Kylie Jenner: Zbog zločesti komentara se ponekad slomim, sakrijem se i plačem

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Bogata je i slavna, na Instagramu je prati gotovo 35 milijuna pratitelja, ali i dalje je samo običan čovjek. Kylie Jenner (18) je priznala da i nju pogađaju zločesti komentari i ponekad se teško nosi s njima. 

Kako bi drugima pomogla da se izbore s problemom nasilja, odlučila je javno progovoriti o svom iskustvu.

Podijelila je fotografiju Lizzie Velasquez. Ona boluje od rijetke bolesti, koju u svijetu ima samo 10 ljudi. Zbog toga ne može imati ni trunku tjelesne masnoće, a Kylie ju je pohvalila zbog snage koju posjeduje. Život ove žene ju je toliko dirnuo da je odlučila otkriti na koji se način ona osobno nosi s komentarima s kojima se svakodnevno susreće.


#Day4 - I'm getting a little more personal... When Lizzie Velasquez (@LittleLizzieV) was 17 years old, someone posted a video of her on YouTube calling her the world’s ugliest woman. “By the time I saw the video, it had 4 million views.” Now 26 years old, Lizzie’s condition was diagnosed last summer. Lizzie suffers from a rare congenital disease that less than 10 people in the world are known to have. The disease impedes her from accumulating body fat; she literally has zero percent body fat and has never weighed more than 64 pounds, however though it is not terminal. Throughout her entire life, this condition has resulted in a lot of #bullying. It is so unacceptable to treat people like this. People are so quick to say horrible things about me everyday over and over and sometimes I can't take it. Even I at times get affected by it, I breakdown, I hide, I cry. It's resulted in a lot of anxiety for me that I've never had to deal with before ever. My every move has been documented for the whole world and its been a nightmare trying to find myself through all of this. And I've absolutely lost apart of myself. Lizzie, you are so strong and I admire you so so much. Lizzie has taken that negative energy and has turned it around by traveling around the world doing motivational speeches. When I asked her what the key messages were of her speeches, she told me that “Most importantly I try to convey that all you need to have is a brave heart to accomplish whatever you want to achieve. Let the negative build you up instead of knocking you down. You are enough no matter what; you were put on this earth for a reason” Soon you’ll be able to see her story on the big screen in the documentary film @ABraveHeartFilm in theaters on September 25th. Check out Lizzie’s Instagram @LittleLizzieV - she’s taking a lifetime full of bullying to help teach the world #IAmMoreThan the names they call me. #ImWithLizzie and Lizzie taught me #IAmMoreThan who I think I am. For me, this is expected it comes with the territory. But Lizzie, you should of not had to go through that. Let's change this together. I love you Lizzie! I'll see you soon.

A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on


- Ljudi svakodnevno govore grozne stvari o meni i ponekad se ne mogu nositi s time. Slomim se, sakrijem se i zaplačem. Svaki moj pokret završi pred očima cijeloga svijeta i za mene je prava noćna mora, u svemu tome, uspjeti pronaći sebe - zaključila je Kylie. 
