Ovih 12 modnih citata savršen su opis Instagram fotke

U slučaju da ti se često događa da ispod neke fotografije koju planiraš objaviti te na kojoj je tvoja modna kombinacija u prvom planu, nemaš ideju kako složiti savršen opis, Cosmopolitan donosi malo inspiracije u vidu velikog broja modnih citata koji su nas oduševili.
Evo nekoliko citata koji ti mogu poslužiti prilikom tvoje sljedeće Instagram objave.
1. “Florals for spring? Groundbreaking.” — Miranda Priestly, Vrag nosi Pradu
2. “She could be a farmer in those clothes.” — Amber, Clueless
3. “I’ll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color.” — Wednesday Addams, Obitelj Addams
4. “I’ll never be the woman with perfect hair who can wear white and not spill on it.” — Carrie Bradshaw, Sex i grad
5. “On Wednesdays, we wear pink.” — Karen Smith, Mean Girls
6. “I’m not afraid of heights…have you seen my shoes?” — Carrie Bradshaw, Sex i grad
7. “Playing dress-up begins at age 5 and never really ends.” — Kate Spade, Manners
8. “As far as I’m concerned, leopard is a neutral.” — Jenna Lyons, The Cut
9. “I’m just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.” — Lady Gaga
10. “What is comfortable fashion? To be comfortable, that can’t be in the vocabulary of fashion. If you want to be comfortable, stay home in your pajamas.” — Donatella Versace
11. “My feet are still on the ground. I’m just wearing better shoes.” — Oprah Winfrey
12. “The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive.” — Coco Chanel