Prvi 400 pregleda 01. svibnja 2019.

Najčudnije kombinacije koje su poznati ikad isfurali


Jesu li neki ipak pretjerali u inovaciji?

Kylie se na Instagramu pohvalila čudnom frizurom - nosila je naušnice u kosi! Wow! Hrabro od nje! 


a blessed Easter ✨💫

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Na tu je fotku skupila baš hrpu lajkova za ovu neobičnu frizuru. No, ovo nije jedini neobičan trend koji smo dosad vidjeli kod slavnih. Izvukli smo ti još nekoliko primjera.

James Charles: Coachella Look


DAY 2 🍑 no razor bumps in sight

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Moguće da je ovo jedan od najhrabrijih i najluđih outfita ikad! James se na Coachelli pojavio u neobičnom kombinezonu koji je više otkrio nego pokrio. Zasigurno je pokupio svu pažnju. 

Lady Gaga: Mesna haljina


I love the iconic meat dress! #ladygaga #ladygagameatdress #lg5

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Lady Gaga je šokirala javnost kad se 2010. godine na dodjeli MTV nagrada pojavila u haljini od sirovog mesa. Možeš li se zamisliti da nosiš sirovo meso? Ni mi!

Rihanna i Mitra (kapa koju nosi Papa)

Rihanna je totalno izdominirala Met galu prošle godine kad se pojavila s neobičnom kapom na glavi koju inače nosi Papa. Jedno je sigurno, izgledala je fantastično!

Gigi Hadid i torbica s bocom


@brandonmaxwell saves fashion emergencies with yellow jumpsuits and pink champagne !! 🙏🍾💓 @bof


Let's take a quick moment to talk about RELATIONSHIPS. Yep, I said it. Dating, finding a date, staying together, the whole shebang! Valentine's Day is fast apparoaching, whether you like it or not. Personally, I dig it. It's an excuse to eat chocolate, drink wine and celebrate love. COOL. Why the hell not? But it's common knowledge these days that dating is daunting. Navigating the dating apps is a full time job. The marriage age is rising, less and less couples are even getting married and there are 57 million @tinder users around the world. Say whhhaattt? SO, the GAH podcast is releasing a special ❤LOVE❤ episode. I have been interviewing lots of friends about their dating life, what apps they're using (if any), the secrets to lasting relationships and of course crazy online dating stories. So what's your favorite app and why? Do you have any interesting dating stories to share? Or have you been in a lasting relationship and just want to drop some knowledge on the rest of us? Shoot me a message! Let's make this podcast episode extra juicy. And helpful! It's scary a dating world out there. Happy swiping! 😘 #britneyandjustinforever

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Popularna manekenka Gigi Hadid odjenula je žuti kombinezon i torbicu s pink šampanjcem. Totalno nepraktično, ali kul.

Britney i Justin Timberlake: Jeans na jeans


Let's take a quick moment to talk about RELATIONSHIPS. Yep, I said it. Dating, finding a date, staying together, the whole shebang! Valentine's Day is fast apparoaching, whether you like it or not. Personally, I dig it. It's an excuse to eat chocolate, drink wine and celebrate love. COOL. Why the hell not? But it's common knowledge these days that dating is daunting. Navigating the dating apps is a full time job. The marriage age is rising, less and less couples are even getting married and there are 57 million @tinder users around the world. Say whhhaattt? SO, the GAH podcast is releasing a special ❤LOVE❤ episode. I have been interviewing lots of friends about their dating life, what apps they're using (if any), the secrets to lasting relationships and of course crazy online dating stories. So what's your favorite app and why? Do you have any interesting dating stories to share? Or have you been in a lasting relationship and just want to drop some knowledge on the rest of us? Shoot me a message! Let's make this podcast episode extra juicy. And helpful! It's scary a dating world out there. Happy swiping! 😘 #britneyandjustinforever

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Britney Spears i Justin Timberlake su se davne 2001. na dodjeli nagrada pojavili OD GLAVE DO PETE U JEANSU. Ova kombinacija ostala je zapamćena do dan danas. 

Ezra Miller: Haljina/jakna


How dark are you today?

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Pjevač i glumac Ezra Miller na premijeri svog filma 'Fantastične zvijeri i gdje ih naći' pojavio se u haljini/jakni. Petica za ideju! Kome bi još palo na pamet ovo isfurati?

Koji stajling ti je top, a koji flop?


Novi JoomBoos Videostar magazin napokon je vani i možete ga naći na svim kioscima! Ovoga puta čitajte još više priča, deset životnih ispovijesti, intervju s Chodom, saznajte sve o Savršenom spoju u kojem glumi i Baka Prase, novoj sezoni Prank'da i uživajte u poklonima, iznenađenjima, križaljkama i 19 precool postera koji dolaze u svakom broju!

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  • Važna obavijest
    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • maya.visnjica

    Svaka cast na hrabrosti xd
  • mala_loodacha

    hahhahahah, omgg