Prvi 5350 pregleda 06. veljače 2020.

Neutješni princ: 'Stalno se javlja prijateljima...'

sussexroyal/Instagram kensingtonroyal/Instagram

Princu Harryju nedostaju njegovi prijatelji iz Velike Britanije te osjeća nostalgiju za domom...

Harry se zbog ljubavi i zaštite svoje obitelji odlučio preseliti daleko od Velike Britanije i to u Kanadu sa svojom suprugom, Meghan Markle. No, nakon što se preselio, shvatio je da mu jako nedostaju prijatelji i da osjeća nostalgiju za domom, javlja Cosmopolitan.

Opisuju ga kao dobrog prijatelja


Spotlight on: Endeavour Fund Today we are taking a look back at the amazing work done by the @EndeavourFund, an organisation created by The Duke of Sussex to support the Armed Forces community. HRH was motivated by the ambitions of wounded, injured and sick (WIS) service personnel and veterans across the UK, who wanted to use sport and adventurous activity as part of their recovery. And what they choose to take on is extraordinary! These men and women break global records and set goals for those around the world - non-disabled and disabled alike, including:  The first amputee to cross Greenland icecap unsupported, the first triple amputee to qualify as a rescue diver, the fastest unsupported rowing time across the Atlantic, and so many more. The endeavours they take on are inspirational, but also have a tremendous impact on their physical, emotional and social recovery, as well as a lasting effect on the family and community around them. Since launching in 2012, the Endeavour Fund has supported nearly 6,000 WIS in sport and adventure challenges. As The Duke said, “The magic of the Endeavour Fund is that it enables those who had life changing injuries in their prime, many of whom felt defeated, to use the power of sport to find a new purpose. The renewed self-belief we see in everyone who participates, and how this transforms their lives and the lives of those around them is overwhelming. Beyond that, each man or woman who participates uses their endeavour as an opportunity to raise funds for another serviceman or woman who needs the same support they once did. It’s a powerful and meaningful process that I am so proud to be a part of.” • In 2019 alone, 17 grants were submitted benefitting nearly a thousand WIS and over 200 family and friends. 198 qualifications were gained and more than 80 are back in the workforce feeling fulfilled and with a renewed sense of purpose. Photo © Endeavour Fund

Objavu dijeli The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

Do prijatelja pokušava doći na sve moguće načine pa im se tako javlja preko WhatsAppa gdje im redovite šalje poruke, videa i fotografije kako bi bio u kontaktu s njima.

"Ne želi se odreći svojih prijatelja samo zbog toga što se preselio na drugi kraj svijeta. Ostaje im vjeran cijeli život i jako mu je stalo do njih", rekao je jedan od izvora blizak kraljevskoj obitelji. Prijatelji ga inače oduvijek hvale da je prijatelj za poželjeti, što ovime također i dokazuje.


The Duke of Sussex attended the inaugural OnSide Awards at the @RoyalAlbertHall this evening, joining over 2,500 youth, volunteers and staff of @OnSideYZ. These awards celebrate the young people who have gone above and beyond for their communities, many of whom have overcome the most challenging of circumstances. With 13 Youth Zones around the UK and over 50,000 members, OnSide is making an incredible impact in some of the most deprived communities. During visits to OnSide Youth Zones earlier this year, The Duke and Duchess had the chance to witness the impact these facilities are having – providing local youth with a safe space where they can learn new skills, develop lasting friendships and be part of a shared and supportive community. #OnSideAwards Photo © PA / OnSide

Objavu dijeli The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

"S prijateljima je u WhatsApp grupi već godinama, a u toj su se grupi oduvijek dijelile smiješne snimke, on ne misli odustati od njih", zaključio je izvor. 


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