Prvi 4600 pregleda 06. lipnja 2020.

Ovako bi povijesne ličnosti izgledale u 2020. godini?


Da je photoshop uistinu moćan alat današnjice, pokazuju brojne retuširane fotografije mnogih zvijezda na naslovnicama časopisa gdje one izgledaju savršeno i neprepoznatljivo.

Photoshop nudi širok spektar mogućnosti kad je riječ o umjetnosti fotografije, a toga je svjesna i djevojka iz današnje priče koja se fotošopom poigrala kako bi prikazala povijesne ličnosti u 21. stoljeću, piše Bored Panda.

Njezino ime je Becca Saladin i grafička je dizajnerica. Prije više od godinu dana počela je iz hobija stvarati 'moderne' verzije fotki povijesnih ličnosti. Dakle, ona prema portretu ili kiparskoj statui neke poznate osobe iz povijesti kreira portret osobe iz današnjeg vremena pod pretpostavkom da bi ta povijesna ličnost danas izgledala tako.

U konačnici je odlučila podijeliti svoje radove s ljudima pa je zato i pokrenula Instagram profil pod nazivom ‘Royalty Now’ koji danas broji 222 tisuće pratitelja. Pogledajte neke njezine najbolje radove i pišite nam u komentarima koji vam se najviše sviđa!


A lot of you all know that Anne Boleyn is my absolute favorite historical figure - she was my very first subject (an archived version that I would be too embarrassed to show now). I always want to work on her. I was just going to post slide 2 of Anne today, which I worked on from my previous version to just try and make her a little more realistic. I can see my skills improving with the realism of the figures over time. I found this amazing stock photo and wanted to make the seductress version of Anne. She has so many “sides” to her, as told by history. To some, she was a witch who seduced the king, and to others she was this charming, witty and intelligent woman. I leaned into the temptress trope with this version on slide one. I always add some extra substance to the lips on the Tudor portraits, because they are always painted so unreasonably tiny. Which one do you guys like better? Sexy Anne or demure Anne? . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: Pexels. Created using @photoshop. . #AnneBoleyn #BritishHistory #EnglishHistory #HenryVIII #KatherineofAragon #CatherineParr #AnneofCleves #KatherineHoward #JaneSeymour #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram

Objavu dijeli Royalty Now (@royalty_now_)


So far the only holdout on all six wives of King Henry VIII on this page was Catherine Parr, the last wife. I do plan to revise and repost some other wives like Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard, so stay tuned for those! I will do a post with them all together once I’m happy with all of them. . Catherine Parr was queen of England from 1543 - 1547. Catherine and Anne of Cleves were the lucky two that outlived King Henry VIII. Although she’s one of the more forgotten wives, probably because her story is not as “sexy” as the first five, she was a fascinating figure in her own right. Catherine took a special interest in Henry’s children, Edward, Mary and Elizabeth, and helped with their education. We never would have had the reign of the great Queen Elizabeth I had she not lived - Catherine was instrumental in the passing of the Act of Succession (1543) that placed Mary and Elizabeth back in the line of succession. Catherine was a devout protestant and author - she published prayer books anonymously and later published “Prayers and Meditations” and “The Lamentation of a Sinner” under her own name. Catherine served as Princess Elizabeth’s guardian after the King’s death in 1547, serving a critical role during this period of Tudor transition. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: (monthly) or (one time). I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: Pexels. Information: based from Wikipedia. Created using @photoshop. . #CatherineParr #HenryVIII #KatherineofAragon #AnneBoleyn #KatherineHoward #1500s #BritishHistory #EnglishHistory #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram

Objavu dijeli Royalty Now (@royalty_now_)


A very frequently requested subject, here is Mark Antony! Let me tell you, this one gave me a run for my money. I wasn’t expecting it to be such a challenge but it was a fun one which left me poring over every detail. The only description I could find for his looks was that he had medium brown hair and hazel eyes, so that’s what I went with here. . Marcus Antonius (known in English as Mark Antony), lived from 83 BC until 30 BC. He was an influential Roman military leader and politician during the pivotal time in Roman history when the empire was transitioning from a Republic to an autocratic Empire. . Antony was a friend and supporter of Julius Caesar - they had served together during the Gallic wars and the Empire’s civil war (of which Julius Caesar emerged the victor). After Julius Caesar’s assassination, Antony, Octavian, and Marcus Lepidus joined forces to defeat Caesar’s assassins, eventually becoming a three-man dictatorship. A notorious partier, Mark Antony began his infamous love affair with Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Eventually, tensions between Antony and Octavian became too strong and broke into a civil war. Antony was married to Octavian’s sister while openly carrying out his love affair with the Egyptian queen, further straining the relationship between the two men. Octavian declared war on Cleopatra and marked Antony as a traitor. Antony was defeated by Octavian’s forces at the Battle of Actium. He then fled to Egypt, where both he and Cleopatra notoriously committed suicide. Octavian then became the first true Emperor of Rome, taking on the name Augustus - a former Royalty Now subject. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock Photo. Information: based from Wikipedia. Created using @photoshop. . #MarkAntony #Cleopatra #JuliusCaesar #Rome #AncientHistory #AncientRome #RomanArt #HistoryofRome #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHis

Objavu dijeli Royalty Now (@royalty_now_)

U nedavnom intervjuu je ispričala čitateljima kako je uopće došla na ideju da radi ovakvo što.

"Kao dijete sam uvijek voljela crtati i slikati. Moja mama bi radila razne umjetničke i znanstvene projekte sa mnom, a oba su mi roditelja puno čitala, što je potaknulo i moje zanimanje za povijest. Prva knjiga koju mi ​​je otac pročitao o povijesti bila je izmišljena verzija Anne Boleyn za odrasle. Postala sam opsjednuta poviješću Tudora nakon toga. Također sam voljela povijest Pompeja, drevnih egipatskih mumija i svega ostaloga, što mi je pomoglo da se osjećam blisko s prošlim ljudima. Mislim da me sve to povijesno štivo zabavljalo i odmaralo u isto vrijeme. 

Ideja za ovaj specifični stil umjetnosti koji sada radim započela je dok sam gledala portret Anne Boleyn razmišljajući o tome kako bi danas mogla izgledati, budući da ne izgleda baš životno na portretima po kojima je znamo. Vidjela sam kako netko drugi na Redditu pokušava nešto slično postići u photoshopu s Tudorovim suprugama i tada je bila riječ o rekreiranju rimskih statua. Oduvijek sam voljela photoshop i bila sam svjesna koliko je to moćan alat, pa sam odlučila pokušati rekreirati neke fotografije i nakon što su one izvedene uspješno, odlučila sam nastaviti s tim i dalje", ispričala je Becca. I dobro da je, jer mi smo oduševljeni!


Hatshepsut came to the throne of Egypt in 1478 BC. She ruled longer than any other female pharaoh and is regarded as being one of the most successful pharaohs in Egyptian history. Egyptologist James Henry Breasted said she is "the first great woman in history of whom we are informed." She re-established trade networks and embarked on great building projects in Egypt. There were so many statues produced during her reign that nearly every major museum that has an Ancient Egyptian exhibit has a Hatshepsut portrait. . This was obviously a very stylized statue to work from, but it was really fun to guess what she would look like nonetheless. What’s interesting about the depictions of Hatshepsut is that they are very stylized in terms of the large eyes and small head, yet they are incredibly consistent across time and location. Every single portrait I’ve found of her has these large, kind eyes, the same shape nose, and a bit of a smile. None of the portraits of her show any age differences, so I’ve depicted her here as a young woman to match the smooth look of the statue. There aren’t many descriptions of her appearance, but some say she was obese and perhaps balding by the end of her great reign. I’ve given her a skin tone that matched some of the pigment on her statues, and I’m aware this may not be correct - unfortunately we have no DNA evidence or descriptions of skin tone for her. A mummy has been attributed to her that shows diabetes and died of bone cancer in her fifties. If that mummy was indeed her, it would explain her deteriorating appearance and bad teeth in her later years. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain (Metropolitan Museum), Right Portrait base: iStock Photo. . #Hatshepsut #EgyptianArt #EgyptianHistory #Pharaoh #Egypt #AfricanArt #AfricanHistory #EuropeanHistory #EuropeanArt #portrait #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #Hi

Objavu dijeli Royalty Now (@royalty_now_)


Happy Valentines day! It’s only fitting to do Venus from Botticelli’s famous “The Birth of Venus”, painted during the height of the Italian Renaissance. The model for Venus is the gorgeous Simotta Vespucci, one of the artist’s muses. I think she’s one of the most beautiful females ever painted - do you think anyone tops her? Swipe to see a sneak peak of the creation video for this one, which is now live for Patreon supporters! . . As always, if you would like to support you can do so by joining the Patreon ( or I have a “Tip Jar” here at www.paypalme/royaltynow. Any help is much appreciated. . . Left Image: Public Domain, Right Image base: with permission, @LesFleursduMallory and Gregg Thorne (

Objavu dijeli Royalty Now (@royalty_now_)


I’ve been resisting doing Cleopatra for some time, simply because there aren’t many reliable depictions of her, and most descriptions of her by historians were made after her death. However, I’ve gotten so many requests for her, I wanted to give you all what you’ve been asking for 🥰 . . The closest thing we have are Roman busts from the first century BCE, around the time that Cleopatra would have been visiting Rome. I chose to base my recreation off of the Berlin Bust of Cleopatra, which was thought to have been created around 46-44 BCE. I chose this bust because most of the depictions of her include common features - a strong nose, full lips, and small chin. It’s also hard to tell what her skin & hair colors were - most descriptions describe her as dark haired and “honey-skinned”, but some even say she was a redhead. Consider this my “Artist’s Rendition” of a way that she could have possibly looked. Bottom line, Cleopatra was an amazing woman. She was intelligent, witty, spoke several languages, and was incredibly skilled in diplomacy. I really enjoyed learning more about her during research for this recreation! . . Further Research & Reading about her looks: . Encyclopedia Britannica article on what Cleopatra looked like: . Some other reconstructions of Cleopatra: . Ancient Egyptian Mummy Genome article: . Wikipedia entry on the Egyptian Race Controversy: . . . #Cleopatra #AncientEgypt #Sculpture #MarkAntony #JuliusCaesar #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd

Objavu dijeli Royalty Now (@royalty_now_)


Najcool JoomBoos posterbook pronađi na svim kioscima Tiska!

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