Bez srama 50 pregleda 15. rujna 2016.

Psu zatočenom u staji s fekalijama odrezali 16 kilograma krzna

Olivia Rodrigo Instagram

Nakon što je pronađen u nehumanim uvjetima, pas je spašen, ali njegov put do oporavka je dug

Lazarus je pas pronađen u staji iz koje nije izlazio 7 godina. Kronično bolestan vlasnik bacao mu je samo hranu i vodu u malenu staju u kojoj je živio, pa su njegovi spasitelji morali lopatom osloboditi vrata od ogromne količine izmeta.

- Ne možemo opisati situaciju u kojoj smo ga pronašli... Još uvijek ne hoda dobro jer je ovo njegov prvi susret s travom i nebom, njegovi mišići potpuno su oslabljeni. Skinuli smo s njega 15 kilograma krzna, rekli su ljudi koji su promijenili sudbinu životinej koja se nikad nije zatrčala preko livade.

Pred Lazarusom je dug put za oporavak, ali svi se nadaju da će u novom domu u Virginiji pronaći sreću koju zaslužuje, prenosi The Dodo. 



There are no words for this one. This is our first Labor Day dog to save. This poor dog is a 6 to 7 year old Great Pyrenees. He has spent his entire life contained in a small barn stall filled with 6 or 7 years worth of feces. You cannot imagine the squalor in which this dog lived and there are no words adequate to convey the horror. The person who owned him simply threw over his food and water to him. Conditions were so awful they had to shovel feces to even be able to open the door to get him out. Not once before this picture was taken has this dog walked on grass or seen the sky above him. I can't imagine how he suffered in sweltering heat. But for the actions of a good Samaritan who came out to rescue him, this dog may never have seen the light of day. He is on his way to us right now. He has a long way to go to get healthy and happy as he is currently unable to walk normally from both the condition of the fur and the effects of long confinement. If you would like to donate to his care, you can do so on the link in our bio! Stay tuned for updates. PS We have had one person post a relatively insane rant claiming we were committing a "felony". Whatev. To clarify, the owner of the dog is terminally ill, and there is no law against removing a dog that the owner asked to be removed. If you expect the state to prosecute a terminally ill owner for neglect, you'll wait until hell freezes over.

A photo posted by Big Fluffy Dog Rescue (@bigfluffydogrescue) on




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  • Važna obavijest
    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • DolanImagine

    Aww. Jadan pesek