Fancy a. f. 502 pregleda 31. ožujka 2017.

Lice prekriveno aknama izliječila sama - jednu stvar je izbacila iz prehrane

Olivia Rodrigo Instagram

Sada sudjeluje na natjecanjima na ljepotu i ima važnu poruku za sve koje muči isti problem

Često slušamo od raznih ljepotica kako sebe treba prihvatiti takvima kakvi jesmo - no kada ti je lice prekriveno aknama, zna svatko tko se bori(o) s tim problem, to je nešto teže učiniti. 

Prištići i akne su nam na licu, na udaru svačijeg pogleda i mnoge mlade (ali i odrasle) muči taj problem koji itekako utječe na njihovo samopouzdanje - zato je uvijek dobro kad se pojavi netko poput Rachel Crawley tko progovara o ovom problemu, dok istovremeno i sam prolazi kroz to. 


I started sharing my bare face because covering my skin made me feel like I wasn't being true to myself. I felt less beautiful when I took my makeup off. I do have flaws and imperfections. I don't have flawless skin. I'm okay with this because this is what's real. Don't compare yourself to other people. Remember to be who you are and not who the world wants you to be ❤️ I am so happy to have inspired so many of you. Here is an article in @selfmagazine in New York 😱 Crazy to think the word is spreading to people across the world! Thank you x 💋 🌎 You can find this on their website if you would like to have a read. ---------------------------------------------------------- #acne #journey #vegan #magazine #progress #inspiration #beautypageant #beauty #pageant #innerbeauty #peace #soul #kindness #happiness #believe #smile #selfmagazine #Teamself #selflove #love #enlightenment #mindfulness #blogger #natural #plantbased #healthy #wellness #transformation #detox #life

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on

- Zadirkivali su me cijelo djetinjstvo i nikada nisam htjela biti bez šminke. Kada se približilo prvo natjecanje ljepote s mojih 18 godina, odbila sam priliku jer sam bila nesigurna zbog svog lica - započinje svoju priču 22-godišnjakinja.

Sada dokumentira svoj napredak s licem na Instagramu, a kako tvrdi, oporavak od teških akni najviše može zahvaliti izbacivanju šećera iz prehrane. 


Vegan pancakes with raw cocoa almond butter cups on top 👅 I had these for breakfast this morning to give me fuel for my run I'm about to go on shortly 🏃🏼‍♀️ I was craving something sweet this morning and this did the job! 😊 Sugar is addictive. It's hidden in processed foods even ones that are advertised as 100% natural so just because it looks healthy doesn't mean that it is! I fell in that trap at one point too! I now prepare my own meals and treats made from scratch this way I know what ingredients are being used. In the first month of clearing my skin I avoided treats like this but now I have no active acne I am able to include more in with out it having an effect. I still use healthy ingredients and no added sugar. Keeping my body in balance. Eating more alkalising foods than acidic, good fats, more omega 3's than 6 really help my skin. The days I do eat higher carbs are the days I am more active! Find what works for your body! 💪🏻 Going vegan really doesn't have to be boring or restrictive. I don't count calories or cut down on meals i eat when I'm hungry. It's taught me how to cook and get creative with natural foods to make delicious meals, treats and snacks! I love the feeling of feeding my body nutritious foods full of vitamins and minerals 🌱 ---------------------------------------------------------- #vegan #veganpancakes #veganfoodshare #veganfood #vegancommunity #rawcocoa #fuel #fitness #cardio #wellness #natural #homemade #lifestyle #love #balance #delicious #food #healing #journey #blogger #blog #youtube #vlog #pancakes #veganrecipes #veganbreakfast #nosugar #alkaline #desert #treat

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on

- Natpisi '100% prirodno' često uopće nisu točni, tako da sama radim svoje slastice i hranu i od tada primjećujem veliki napredak nabolje. Savjetujem svima da pokušaju s prirodnim putem. DUga je to borba, ali moguće je pobijediti - priča Rachel.

Ovako su izgledali njeni rezultati nakon 'samo' 7 tjedana pridržavanja prehrane:


✨7 WEEKS PROGRESS PICTURE ✨The picture on the left was when my skin was at its worst. My acne was cystic, red, sore and I had bumps underneath my skin. I felt like I wanted to give up at this point. I then decided to give my diet one last change before I would have seen a dermatologist. I took pictures of my skin so I could see the results as to whether what I was doing was working or not and I started seeing the difference day by day. I wanted to share with you the realism of what people go through. Unfortunately acne isn't seen as normal and is thought as 'ugly' but it's something so many of us experience. It's nothing to be ashamed of. What is to be ashamed of is the perception of what we are supposed to look like. The picture on the right is my skin today! My scars are being treated with natural skincare products that I have found work my skin and I do want to avoid having any treatments to get rid of them. They need time to heal and I'm okay with that. Whatever journey your on to clear you skin don't give up on yourself. There is always light 🌟🌞 ----------------------------------------------------- #acne #acnetreatment #loveyourself #selflove #healing #acnescars #recovery #vegan #nontoxic #love #wellness #happy #happiness #inspiration #enlightenment #journey #growth #natural #beauty #transformation #acceptance #spiritual #mindfulness #plantbased #positivity #soul #yoga #youarebeautiful #youarenotalone #youareenough

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on

Liječnici se slažu kako prehrana utječe, ali nije jedini uzrok. U pitanju su hormoni ili zdravstveni problem poput policističnih jajnika, ali je činjenica kako šećer stvara plodno tlo za bakterije -  s druge strane, kod nekih akne može aktivirati gluten ili mliječni proizvodi, tvrdi većina istraživanja na ovu temu.

Smanjiti unos rafiniranog šećera je metoda koja svakako ne može naštetiti, a ako pomogne - tim bolje. Nemojte odustati!


3 months ago my skin looked like this. There are worse photos / videos I took of my skin for me to keep a track so I could see whether what I was doing was working. Thankfully it improved slowly day by day. I also have no chronic symptoms that I used to experience in the past as well. I put full commitment into healing my body naturally and I personally love it. My struggle with chronic illness and acne has lead me to find a passion for holistic health as well fitness. My dream would be to help others on their journey. Those who want to take the natural route 🍃 The main thing this has improved more than anything is my mental health. I was always shy / quiet growing up. I had 0 confidence. I could never accept a complement. I could never talk about the things I was good at. When I was in school I wanted to be a dancer. I loved singing and acting too but could never perform in front of people I would freeze 😳 Ive always been an over / deep thinker. Thinking into things that probably don't even matter! When my chronic illness started this caused more stress and worry. Then my acne started causing my anxiety to be the worst it's ever been. I felt disgusting every time I looked in the mirror. How can anyone love me when my face looks like this? No one knew or understood how I felt. I was completely alone. I would cry looking in the mirror. None of this helped my situation in fact it made it worse. It has taken me to go through something like this to learn how to self love. My journey has helped me find the confidence I never had to begin with and to be kind to myself which I never used to. I encourage you to start believing in yourself! If I can do it I know you can too ✨ LOVE yourself 💜 Thank you for all your continued love, support and nice messages/ comments will be trying my best to respond to you all ❤️ ---------------------------------------------- #acne #journey #acnetreatment #healing #naturally #natural #skinfood #holistic #health #fitness #love #selflove #smile #believe #happiness #soul #mindfulness #mindset #positive #spiritual #vegan #plantbased #highfat #alkaline #wellness #meditation #anxiety #recovery #beautiful #growth

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on



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