Fancy a. f. 701 pregleda 25. prosinca 2017.

Novi trend: Obrve kakve moraš imati za Božić


Najljepši božićni beauty trend koji nas je totalno osvojio.

Novi beauty trend na Instagramu povezan je s božićnim praznicima i u božićnom duhu totalno nas je osvojio. Ako si spretna s rukama i imaš sve potrebne vještine kad je šminkanje u pitanju, savjetujemo ti da ga definitivno probaš. Donosimo ti primjere najljepših božićnih obrva koje postoje!

1. Božićne obrve inspirirane božićnim drvcem. 


2nd Christmas look for this month 😊 counting down the days 😁 Details for this... 1.) @fentybeauty #fentybeauty Stunna Lip Paint for the red liner #stunna #stunnalippaint (available now @sephoramy ) 2.) @jeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestarcosmetics Mistletoe And Drug Lord for Brows and Liner 3.) @houseoflashes #houseoflashes Starlet 4.) @aomcosmetics #aomcosmetics Extreme Art Liner Pen 5.) @litcosmetics #litcosmetics Caviar Dreams 6.) @evepearl #evepearl Salmon Concealer and Face Therapy Foundation in Tan(aff. Code Lucinda212 for 20% off) 7.) @revlon_uk #revlon_uk Angled Kajal Liner 8.) @inglot_usa #inglot Eyeshadow in 296 9.) @artisbrush Circle 1R , Oval 3 10.) @lycosmetics #lycosmetics Liner Brush LY24B 11.) @hakuhodousa.official Brushes #brian_champagne #livingwithgratitude #shimycatsmua #makeuptutorialsx0x #fashionarttut #tutorialesvideos #maquillajesvideos #wakeupandmakeup #melformakeup #allmodernmakeup #igersmalaysia #1minutemakeup #girlsociety #makeupart #igmalaysia #insiderbeauty #christmas #christmasmakeup #sephoramy

A post shared by Lucinda 🇿🇼🇲🇾 (@lucinda212) on

2. A koliko ti se sviđaju ove inspirirane snijegom, pahuljicama, klizanjem i pingvinima? 


Came off IG for a couple of days cause it was acting up again. 🙄 will have something new up later xxx How you guys doing? How’s the holidays going? 🐧❄️🐧❄️ Dets: 1.) @natashadenona #natashadenona Purple/ Blue Palette 2.) @sugarpill #sugarpill Velocity 3.) @kryolanofficial #kryolan Aqua Color Palette 4.) @houseoflashes #houseoflashes Spellbound 5.) @aomcosmetics #aomcosmetics Extreme Art Liner Pen 6.) @anastasiabeverlyhills Dip Brow Pomade in Ebony 7.) @evepearl #evepearl Salmon Concealer and Face Therapy Foundation in Tan 8.) @makeupforeverofficial #makeupforever Flash Color Palette #brian_champagne #livingwithgratitude #shimycatsmua #makeuptutorialsx0x #fashionarttut #tutorialesvideos #maquillajesvideos #wakeupandmakeup #melformakeup #allmodernmakeup #igersmalaysia #1minutemakeup #makeupart #igmalaysia #insiderbeauty #christmas #christmasmakeup #sephoramy

A post shared by Lucinda 🇿🇼🇲🇾 (@lucinda212) on

3. Oduševila nas je i kombinacija zlatnog i bijelog. 


Came off IG for a couple of days cause it was acting up again. 🙄 will have something new up later xxx How you guys doing? How’s the holidays going? 🐧❄️🐧❄️ Dets: 1.) @natashadenona #natashadenona Purple/ Blue Palette 2.) @sugarpill #sugarpill Velocity 3.) @kryolanofficial #kryolan Aqua Color Palette 4.) @houseoflashes #houseoflashes Spellbound 5.) @aomcosmetics #aomcosmetics Extreme Art Liner Pen 6.) @anastasiabeverlyhills Dip Brow Pomade in Ebony 7.) @evepearl #evepearl Salmon Concealer and Face Therapy Foundation in Tan 8.) @makeupforeverofficial #makeupforever Flash Color Palette #brian_champagne #livingwithgratitude #shimycatsmua #makeuptutorialsx0x #fashionarttut #tutorialesvideos #maquillajesvideos #wakeupandmakeup #melformakeup #allmodernmakeup #igersmalaysia #1minutemakeup #makeupart #igmalaysia #insiderbeauty #christmas #christmasmakeup #sephoramy

A post shared by Lucinda 🇿🇼🇲🇾 (@lucinda212) on

4. Totalno cool. 


🎄BAUBLE BROWS🎄 - Fun fact: I’ve said baubles in my head so many times at this point, I don’t think it’s a real word anymore 😅 This look was inspired by @make_malvina_up & @bronya_h 🎄❤️ - brows - @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade in Dark Brown, @colourpopcosmetics no filter concealer. - eyes - 35Y palette, @sigmabeauty ‘Legend’ Line Ace (use code COURTS10 for 10% off your order), @nyxcosmetics_australia glam luxe silver liner + white liquid liner, @lorealmakeup miss baby roll mascara. - lashes - @nikkiajoycosmetics ’Hannah’. - glitter - @lashlingerie ‘Paparazzi’ (silver), Red, Green glitters + silver gems from Lincraft. - - - #anastasiabeverlyhills #abh #abhbrows @norvina #colourpop #colourpopcosmetics #crushcosmetics #sigma #sigmabeauty #nyxcosmetics @nyxcosmetics #nyxcosmeticsaustralia #loreal #nikkiajoy #nikkiajoycosmetics @nikkiajoy #lashlingerie #christmas #christmasmakeup #inspiredmakeup #baubles #baublemakeup #xmas #xmasmakeup #makeuplook #eyemakeup #glitter #glittermakeup #glittereyes #sparkle #makeupart #makeuplife

A post shared by Courtney Long ( on

5. Obrve koje izgledaju poput pera i imaju male šljokice po sebi. 


Christmas Tree Eyebrows 🎄 Yes or No? 🤔 #christmastreeeyebrows

A post shared by Taylor R (@taytay_xx) on

Što misliš o ovom beauty trendu? Daj svoj glas! 

Tvoja reakcija?

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  • Važna obavijest
    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • leoni98

    malo su ipak too much, za maškare odmah!
  • Avatar Melliii


    Lol, mogu se zamisliti s tim obrvama, ali bi me ekipa cudno gledala