Prvi 7750 pregleda 24. travnja 2020.

10 jednostavnih slastica za sve kuhare početnike

canva, JoomBoos

Ukoliko nemaš baš iskustva, kuhanje i pečenje kolača bi ti se moglo činiti kao naučna fantastika. Ipak, odabirom pravih recepata to ne mora biti tako.

Portal Bustle je odlučio prikupiti sve najjednostavnije recepte za kolače kako ti prvi pokušaji pečenja kolača ne bi ostali u sjećanju kao traumatično iskustvo.


Pečenje kolača je zapravo vrlo 'precizna znanost'. Ako dodamo previše brašna ili premalo praška za pecivo, možemo baciti cijeli kolač u smeće.Uz to, postoje i drugi faktori koje treba uzeti u obzir, poput pravilno raspoređene temperature u pećnici i dovoljno podmazanog lima prije ulijevanja tijesta ili biskvita u njega.


Stoga ne čudi da mnogim ljudima pečenje kolača zadaje glavobolju pa radije to izbjegavaju, no ovih deset slastica zaista ne bi trebao biti problem napraviti čak i najvećim početnicima:

1. Ljetni kolač s voćem i vrhnjem

Ova jednostavna torta s biskvitom od maslaca uistinu je jednostavna za napraviti. Doslovno ubaciš sve sastojke za biskvit u jednu posudu, zamutiš, ispečeš i kada se ohladi, premažeš šlagom i voćem.

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2. Čokoladne pločice s karamelom

Za ovaj recept će ti biti potrebna samo jedna zdjela gdje ćeš pomiješati sve sastojke.

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3. Torta od breskve

Ovaj recept je idealan za vruće ljetne dane kada nemamo puno volje ni za pečenjem ni za jedenjem.

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Now that the sun starts shining, this fresh peach cake with streusel filling is definitely a cake you will want to try 😍 It is moist, delicious and perfect for Spring 🌞 It is also gluten free 😉 You can use the recipe below with our Ø 24 cm springform pan from our copper-cream colored Ceramic series with high end non-stick properties. Available at and and stores nearby you. Serve this beautiful cake for brunch or go crazy and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for dessert 🙉 Happy baking and enjoy 💞. . . Ingredients. . . 2 cups gluten free baking flour 1 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 stick unsalted butter, softened 3/4 cups granulated sugar 1/4 cup light brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt 2 cups diced peaches. . . Streusel filling 1/3 cup light brown sugar 1/3 cup chopped walnuts, or your favorite nut 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pinch salt. . . Instructions Pre-heat oven to 180ºC (350ºF). Lightly grease a Patisse springform pan and set aside. Add all the streusel ingredients to a medium sized bowl, mix and set aside. Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon to a medium sized bowl and mix together. Add the butter and sugars to a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer. Add the eggs, one at a time, and then the vanilla extract, beating the mixture between each addition. Next, beat in the flour mixture in two additions, alternating with the Greek yogurt. Gently fold the peaches into the batter with a large spoon. Pour half the batter into the bottom of the springform pan and then evenly sprinkle the streusel mixture over the top. Spread the remaining batter over the streusel and bake cake until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean, about 50-60 minutes. Top with fresh peaches. . . . . . #patisse #patissenederland #patissenetherlands #peachcake #peach #springform #spring #dessert #baking #bakeware #cake #tart #homebaking #bakefeed #sweettooth #sweettreats #bakersofig #bakersofinstagram #food #foodie #foodpic #foodstagram #lovefood #glutenfree

A post shared by Patisse (@patissenederland) on

4. Kruh od banane s cimetom

Možda izgleda pomalo neobično, ali ovaj kolač je uistinu 'za prste polizati'.

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5. Kolač od keksa i bobičastog voća

Ovo je idealan kolač za ljubitelje tamnog bobičastog voća i slastica koje se jedu na žlicu.

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6. Torta od cimet rolica

Teško je na prvi pogled povjerovati kako je ova torta jednostavna za napraviti, ali uistinu je tako.

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I must confess – I'm totally into yeast pastries! 😍 That's why I baked again, this time quite seasonally. Fresh from the oven: rhubarb rolls – yum! Does anyone want to eat one?⁣ ____⁣ Ich muss ja gestehen – ich stehe total auf Hefegebäck! Deshalb habe ich mal wieder gebacken, diesmal ganz saisonal. Frisch aus dem Ofen: Rhabarber-Schnecken – yum! 😋 Möchte wer?⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #rhubarb#cinnamonrolls#cinnamon#cinnamonbuns#cinnamonbun#cinnamonroll#cinnamonrollcake#kanelbullar#veganbaking#lowfat#vegandeutschland#veganrecipes#veganfoodshares#bakinglove#veganfoodspace#bestofvegan#thefeedfeedvegan#thrivemags#lovefood#vegangermany#gesunderezepte#veganfoodspot#veganerezepte#hclfvegan#52grams#veganessen#intuitivessen#selbstgemacht#frühstück#sharethelove⁣

A post shared by marieke (@_food_enthusiast_) on

7. Pita od trešanja

Ovaj recept bi nas izgledom i mirisom mogao vratiti nekoliko godina unatrag u bakinu kuhinju.

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Lots of eggs = lots of egg based dishes. #mixedberryclafoutis #clafoutis #eggs #stilleatinglots

A post shared by One Table Farm (@onetablefarm_creeandtim) on

8. Hrskave kocke od borovnica

U ovom receptu čak nećeš morati ni prvotno dinstati voće već se ono samo omekšati u pećnici.

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9. Čokoladni keksići s maslacem

Ovo su klasični keksići koje viđamo u svakoj božićnoj reklami s djedom Božićnjakom, a iznenaditi ćeš se koliko su jednostavni za napraviti.

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10. Kolačići s kikiriki maslacem

Teško je zabrljati recept za kolačiće u kojem su potrebna samo četiri sastojka. Jednostavnije od ovoga stvarno ne može.

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Naravno, ključ uspjeha je u upornosti i neprestanom napretku tako da, ukoliko ne budeš oduševljen/oduševljena svojim prvim slastičarskim pothvatima, svakako nemoj odustati od pečenja kolača.



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