Iza svega se krije grafička dizajnerica Becca Saladin (29)
Becca Saladin (29) je grafička dizajnerica koja stoji iza Instagram profila na kojem radi zabavne ilustracije i otkriva kako bi izgledale poznate povijesne ličnosti da su danas živi. Na ideju da pokrene ovaj profil je došla zbog toga što su joj povijesne ličnosti na slikama uvijek izgledale 'bolesno i dosadno', javlja Buzzfeed .
Pogledajte neke njezine radove i saznajte kako bi povijesne ličnosti (možda) izgledale da su danas žive!
Ovako bi izgledao Abraham Lincoln:
Ovako bi izgledala Mona Lisa:
Ovako bi izgledala egipatska kraljica Nefertiti:
Saladin tvrdi kako uvijek istraži ljude koje obrađuje. Tako je otkrila kako je Aleksandar Veliki imao oči različite boje i time se vodila pri svom dizajnu!
A tu je i primjer kako bi izgledala Kleopatra da je danas živa:
I’ve been resisting doing Cleopatra for some time, simply because there aren’t many reliable depictions of her, and most descriptions of her by historians were made after her death. However, I’ve gotten so many requests for her, I wanted to give you all what you’ve been asking for 🥰 . . The closest thing we have are Roman busts from the first century BCE, around the time that Cleopatra would have been visiting Rome. I chose to base my recreation off of the Berlin Bust of Cleopatra, which was thought to have been created around 46-44 BCE. I chose this bust because most of the depictions of her include common features - a strong nose, full lips, and small chin. It’s also hard to tell what her skin & hair colors were - most descriptions describe her as dark haired and “honey-skinned”, but some even say she was a redhead. Consider this my “Artist’s Rendition” of a way that she could have possibly looked. Bottom line, Cleopatra was an amazing woman. She was intelligent, witty, spoke several languages, and was incredibly skilled in diplomacy. I really enjoyed learning more about her during research for this recreation! . . Further Research & Reading about her looks: . Encyclopedia Britannica article on what Cleopatra looked like: https://www.britannica.com/story/what-did-cleopatra-look-like . Some other reconstructions of Cleopatra: https://mysticalraven.com/art/11764/scientists-reveal-what-cleopatra-really-looked-like . Ancient Egyptian Mummy Genome article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5459999/ . Wikipedia entry on the Egyptian Race Controversy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_race_controversy . . . #Cleopatra #AncientEgypt #Sculpture #MarkAntony #JuliusCaesar #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd
A post shared by @ royalty_now_ on Jan 25, 2020 at 1:02pm PST
"Povijest nisu samo priče, to su i pravi ljudi s pravim emocijama, nadam se da ću svojim radom drugima približiti tu ideju", zaključila je Becca.
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