Prvi 7052 pregleda 22. veljače 2019.

Evo kako će Meghan i Harry vjerojatno nazvati bebu


Tri su opcije za djevojčicu, tri za dječaka - što kažeš?

Datum rođenja nove kraljevske bebe sve se više bliži, pa se, naravno, javlja sve više spekulacija oko toga kako će kraljevski par, Meghan Markle i princ Harry, nazvati svoju bebu.


"You do not have to be defined by your injury or disability. You may not realise or appreciate it yet, but do not underestimate the incredible impact you are having on those around you, by simply being yourself." — The Duke of Sussex, as he and The Duchess attended the #EndeavourFundAwards. The Duke presented Shaun with the Endeavour Fund Henry Worsley Award — swipe to watch Shaun’s story. Shaun Pascoe was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress after numerous tours around the world with the @RoyalAirForceUK Medical Emergency Response Team. He has now set up the Forces’ Sailing Charity @TurnToStarboard, providing more than 1200 sailing opportunities to service personnel and veterans. The Endeavour Fund Awards celebrate the achievements of wounded, injured and sick servicemen and women who have taken part in remarkable sporting and adventure challenges over the last year to help with their recovery.

Objavu dijeli Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal)

Nekoliko imena najbolje kotira na kladionicama, a Cosmopolitan donosi cijeli popis. Evo kako će se najvjerojatnije zvati nova kraljevska beba:

1. Victoria

Ovo ime najbolje stoji na svim kladionicama, a razlog je, čini se, prilično očit. Kraljic Victoria jedna je od najvećih ikona i, uz Elizabetu II., jedna od najpoznatijih članica kraljevske obitelji, koja je najpoznatija kao žena koja je srušila rodne norme i potpuno izdominirala muškim kraljevskim svijetom. Pa, ne bi bilo toliko 'ludo' da Meghan, koja se otvoreno naziva feministkinjom, svoje dijete nazove po ovoj legendarnoj kraljici. 

2. Alice

Alice je bila kćerka kraljice Victorije, odnosno mama princa Philpa, a kako je Harry jako blizak sa svojim djedom, velike su šanse da odabrano ime bude možda upravo Alice. Što misliš?

3. Diana

Okej, ovo ne trebamo previše objašnjavati. Legendarna princeza, Harryjeva mama, tragično preminula ljubimica nacije? To je to. Ne dodajemo više ništa. (I navijamo za ovo ime...)

4. Albert


The profound love and loss that Queen Victoria felt for her husband "dearest dearest Albert" dominate her private diaries that have been made available for the first time to the general public. ⠀ The Queen speaks of "bliss beyond belief" on her wedding night and how being near him gave her "feelings of heavenly love and happiness". But her enthusiasm for her "beautiful" husband only makes the emotions of her loss at his death aged just 42 all the more poignant. ⠀ She describes it as a "dreadful and overwhelming calamity" that left her with a "heavy broken heart". Life after his death was "lonely and desolate", she adds, like living in a "dreadful dream". Her intimate feelings for her "beloved" are poured out onto 43,000 pages of her 141 journals that since her death have been kept at the Royal Archive. ⠀ Although biographers and historians have had access to the journals, they have never been published in full, and have only been available by appointment at the library in Windsor Castle. ⠀ Now in a collaboration between the Royal Archive and Bodleian Libraries in Oxford they have been put online and access to the site will be free permanently to all UK users. ⠀ The private diaries provide a first person account of her life from the age of 13 to just weeks before her death in 1901. ⠀ They give an intimate first-person account of key events in her life and her sixty-three years on the throne, from her coronation to the Diamond Jubilee of 1897. ⠀ They also include many private sketches she made of Prince Albert, their children and other members of the world's elite. ⠀ But it is her deep happiness on marrying her husband and then the sadness after his death that stands out. ⠀ Describing her wedding in February 1840, she said: “I felt so happy when the ring was put on, and by my precious Albert." Later she describes her wedding day and night. "I never never spent such an evening!!," she writes. "My dearest dearest dear Albert sat on a footstall by my side, and his excessive love and affection gave me feelings of heavenly love and happiness, I never could have hoped to have felt before! ⠀ Continued in comments ⬇️

Objavu dijeli 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 & 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑨𝒍𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 (@victoria.and.albert)

Ako se rodi dječak, na prvom mjestu kladionica je ime Albert, kako se zvao i suprug kraljice Victorije.

5. Arthur

Iako je ovo najviše stereotipno ime za novu kraljevsku bebu, kralj Arthur česta je inspiracija, pa je tako i srednje ime princa Louisa - Arthur. No, nekako sumnjamo da će Meghan ovako nazvati svoje dijete... Od nje ipak očekujemo nešto neočekivanije.

6. Philip

Kao što smo i napisali, nije nepoznanica da je Harry blizak s djedom, princom Philipom, pa ne bi bilo čudno da upravo tako nazove svog sina. Ako bude sin. Ali, što će mladi par na kraju odabrati, tek ćemo vidjeti. Iako, vrlo ubrzo!

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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • mala_loodacha

    Baš me zanimaaaa to