Prvi 2200 pregleda 20. srpnja 2018.

‘Jelly manikura’- novi trend koji je preplavio Instagram

Devedesetih godina su poluprozirni kauči i sandale bili neizostavan hit, a sada se ovaj žele materijal vratio u svijetu manikure.

Prva koja je isfurala ovaj trend na društvenim mrežama je naravno Kylie Jenner koja se fotkala sa svojim frendicama pokazujući svoje neonsko prozirne ljubičaste nokte.


Ready for this jelly: how Kylie Jenner kickstarted the #jellynails Instagram craze. The 90s continue to dictate the summer’s fashion and beauty trends – which is why everyone wants transparent nails that look like jelly shoes or Jolly Ranchers. In the world according to Instagram, fingernails are the new canvases, and nail technicians (as well as teenagers in bedrooms) are the new generation of artists. The hashtag #nailart has had close to 50m posts, and, in the fickle world of beauty trends, fingernail crazes are easily the most fleeting fads of bodily adornment. We have had furry nails, terrifyingly pointy “stiletto nails” and nails resembling teeth, duck’s feet and 3D bubbles. But “jelly nails” – transparent hues reminiscent of 90s jelly shoes, or Jolly Ranchers – had lain semi-dormant as a #trend until seven days ago, when #kylie Jenner posted a snap of fluoro-pink translucent acrylic nails. Now, there are 4,000 #jellynails posts, and this seems likely to be the nail trend of the summer. “To create #jelly nails, a technician paints the nail area opaque, then adds translucent acrylic extensions to make them look like see-through sweeties,” explains Emma Zentner of Boom Nails, a London-based nail company with 13,000 followers on Instagram. Guardian Morning Briefing - sign up and start the day one step ahead Read more Jelly nails are being touted as a 90s-inspired trend, like jelly shoes. My memories of 90s nails are stubby hand-painted fluorescent orange if you loved Courtney Love and naff French manicures if you wanted to be Posh Spice, but these are more reminiscent of the talon nails that were big among 90s rappers. “The 90s are being referenced in the fashion and beauty world, that’s true,” says Zentner. “And the appeal of nail art is that it’s an accessible, affordable and relatively creative way to get on board with a trend.” Acrylic nails like these typically cost £25-£45.

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Hit se poprilično brzo proširio internetom bez obzira što je riječ o poprilično trash trendu tako da je mnogo Instagram modela i beauty blogerica krenulo objavljivati fotke s manikurom ovog tipa.


Tropical jelly icicles 🍒✨💕

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Jedini problem kod ‘jelly manikure’ je što se radi prozirnosti ispod nazire prirodan nokat, no pozitivna stvar je što ne moraš ići u profesionalan salon manikure već jednostavno naručiti umjetne nokte preko interneta i sama ih zalijepiti.

Misliš li isfurati ovaj trend u manikuri?

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Stigao nam je novi broj JoomBoos VideoStar magazina. Ljetno izdanje magazina donosi ti mnoštvo zanimljivih tema i intervjua s našim YouTuberima.

I ovaj broj JoomBoos magazina dolazi u dvije različite naslovnice, te super poklonom - originalnim tetovažama kakve imaju naši YouTuberi. Izaberi između tetovaže strijele i palme i budi cool ovo ljeto.

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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • onajkojinijemoj

    Mmmm hrana
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    nadam se da to moja cura nece imati!! fuj, ovo izgleda prelose