Prvi 30 pregleda 24. svibnja 2016.

Justin otvorio dušu: 'Gledam osmijehe u publici i znam da su lažni'

Justin Bieber
Olivia Rodrigo Instagram

U podužem pismu na Instagramu otkrio je kako se osjeća na dodjelama nagrada među kolegama

Nakon nastupa na dodjeli nagrada Billboard, Justin je otvorio fanovima dušu na Instagramu i napisao: 'Tako je isprazno'.

U podužem objašnjenju napisao je što pod tim misli, a mi donosimo najzanimljivije dijelove.

Kompletno pismo možeš vidjeti ispod.

'Ne osjećam se dobro kad sam tamo, a ni poslije. Pokušavam cijelo vrijeme misliti da je to slavlje, ali ne mogu si pomoći da ne osjećam kao da me ljudi ocjenjuju... Kada sam na običnom koncertu imam osjećaj da su ti ljudi došli iz pravih razloga i da se samo žele dobro zabaviti... Shvaćam da se nagrađuju nečija postignuća, ali je li zaista tako? Jer kada pogledma u publiku vidim gomilu lažnih osmjeha tako da kad ih kamera snimi- izgledaju sretno... Nedostaje mi autentičnosti u svemu...'



A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on



I don't know about these award shows.. No disrespect to anybody at any of the shows or the people running it. Nothing but love for you guys and your support. But I don't feel good when I'm there nor after. I try to think of it as a celebration but can't help feeling like people are rating and grading my performance. A lot of people in the audience there to be seem worried about how much camera time they will get or who they can network with. When I'm doing a regular show I feel they are there for the right reasons and to strictly have a good time! But these award shows seem so hollow. I get the premise is to award people for their accomplishments, but is it really? Because when I look in the audience I see a bunch of fake smiles so that when the camera hits them they look happy. Sure there are people truly proud of others so I don't want to knock them I'm just looking at the vast majority. I just think to myself if I'm living my purpose I want the reward to be fulfillment. I'm getting awarded for the things that I'm doing and not for who I am which is understandable I know it would probably be hard to calculate and award someone's spirit lol. But When I do get these awards the temptation of putting my worth in what I do is so hard to fight!!!I am privileged and honored to be recognized by my peers in but in these settings I can't feel the recognition. There's an authenticity missing that I crave! And I wonder does anybody else.. Sorry not sorry about grammar it's not my strong point

A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on


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