Prvi 1700 pregleda 04. srpnja 2019.

Ljudi su uvjereni da Harry na ovoj snimci ignorira Meghan

sussexroyal/Instagram kensingtonroyal/Instagram

Fanovi misle kako je princ Harry izignorirao suprugu tijekom bejzbolske utakmice na kojoj su nedavno bili. Pogledajte video i sami procijenite je li to istina.

Kraljevski par nedavno je gledao bejzbolsku utakmicu između New York Yankeesa i Boston Red Soxa u Londonu, a fanovi su na kamerama uhvatili neobičnu scenu između Meghan i Harryja. Misle da je u nekom trenutku Meghan htjela pričati s Harryjem, a on ju je bezobrazno ignorirao. Hmm...

Ipak, neki su se dovoljno potrudili i pronašli dokaze da ova besmislica nije istinita. I da nitko nikoga nije ignorirao. Evo što je, misle neki fanovi, zapravo bilo. Ovo je par teorija.

1. Bejzbolske utakmice su inače jako glasne, pa je možda nije čuo.

2. Razgovarao je s nekim drugim i zato nije odreagirao.

3. Ljudi oko njih su pljeskali i zato je nije čuo.

Ako vam ovo nisu dovoljno dobri dokazi, pogledajte samo ovu preslatku fotku s iste utakmice. I dalje mislite da ju je na videu gore ignorirao? 


The World can go under, but these two stick together—forever! -Nice shot from a fan-

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Tonight, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the first of a two game series of the Major League Baseball #LondonSeries, in support of @WeAreInvictusGames. Tonight’s highly anticipated game between the #Yankees and #RedSox took place at London stadium, Olympic Park. The @WeAreInvictusGames, of which His Royal Highness is Founding Patron, has been selected as charity partner for the @MLB 2019 series. The Invictus Games Foundation is the international charity that oversees the development of the Invictus Games, an international adaptive multi-sport event in which wounded, injured or sick armed service personnel and veterans participate. It celebrates the power of sport in recovery and how it can help, physically or psychologically, those suffering from injuries or illness. The word ‘invictus’ means ‘unconquered’ - it embodies the fighting spirit of the competitors. As part of the partnership, the Invictus Games Foundation have a team participating in London’s #Softball60, the social softball series built for the city and targeted to introduce the sport to new audiences and demonstrate that it is an inclusive sport. On this #ArmedForcesDay, tonight’s event was also a chance for Their Royal Highnesses to shine a light on the men and women here in the UK and around the world who have sacrificed so much for their country. Discover more about the Invictus Games Foundation through the link in our bio. Photo credit: PA

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • mala_loodacha

    kaj? Opce ne