Prvi 1308 pregleda 22. listopada 2019.

Princ Harry iskreno progovorio o svađi s Williamom

Ian West/Press Association/PIXSELL

Harry je napokon progovorio o navodnim svađama između njega i brata Williama.

Vjerojatno ste već čitali o tome da prinčevi Harry i William nisu u najboljim odnosima. U posljednje vrijeme puno se priča o njihovim svađama, a sada je Harry napokon odgovorio na pitanje koje nas sve zanima: Jesu li stvarno u svađi?

Naime, u Irskoj se emitirao dokumentarac 'Harry & Meghan: An African Journey' pa je princ iskoristio priliku da raščisti nedoumice javnosti, javlja Her.

Nije baš tako ozbiljno...


This evening, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the annual #WellChildAwards in London. WellChild aims to ensure every child and young person living with serious health needs has the best chance to thrive with the support and medical care needed in the comfort of their own home. The Duke of Sussex became Patron of WellChild in 2007, and last year both The Duke and Duchess attended the awards to honour the children and families that WellChild supports. The Duke, who first came to these awards over a decade ago, shared in his remarks tonight: “Last year when my wife and I attended we knew we were expecting our first child - no one else did at the time, but we did - and I remember squeezing Meghan’s hand so tightly during the awards, both of us thinking what it would be like to be parents one day, and more so, what it would be like to do everything we could to protect and help our child should they be born with immediate challenges or become unwell over time. And now, as parents, being here and speaking to all of you pulls at my heart strings in a way I could have never understood until I had a child of my own.” • To find out more about tonight’s event and how you can support this very special organisation, please visit @WellChild Photos ©️ PA images

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

"Dio ove uloge i ovog posla je i veliki pritisak pod kojim smo pa je neizbježno da se razne stvari dogode. No, mi smo braća i uvijek ćemo biti braća. Očito je da nam se trenutno putevi razilaze, ali uvijek ću biti tu za njega, a znam da će i on biti uvijek tu za mene", rekao je princ iskreno.

 | Autor: Ian West/Press Association/PIXSELL Ian West/Press Association/PIXSELL

Izgleda da stvari između njih ipak nisu toliko ozbiljne, jer je Harry zaključio sljedeće: "Znate, kao braća imate dobre dane i loše dane." Dakle, to je nešto najnormalnije u bilo kojoj obitelji, pa tako i kraljevskoj.

Miruj, internet svijete. Sve će biti dobro.


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