Riješi me! 2162 pregleda 22. svibnja 2019.

Ovo su likovi iz Game of Thronesa u 1. sezoni i danas


Snimanje serije trajalo je gotovo deset godina, a za to vrijeme neki likovi su se itekako promijenili. Nabolje ili gore procijenite sami...

Fanovi i dalje pričaju o završnici jedne od najpoznatijih serija na svijetu. Mnogi su tužni jer je Game of Thrones gotov, ali ovaj dečko je bijesan zato što smatra da su tvorci serije u potupnosti uništili ono što su gradili godinama. 

Dečko je toliko strastven oko serije da je ljude diljem regije skroz osvojio svojim izjavama. No, ne samo da su autori promijenili sve što je u seriji valjalo, ako pitate fanove, već su se tijekom ovih devet godina snimanja promijenili i likovi. Neki su odrasli, neki ostarili, a neki tek promijenili frizuru ili pustili bradu.

Mi smo iskopali fotke likova kroz sezone pa uoči što se kod koga promijenilo:

Cersei Lannister


Cersei Lannister through the seasons. ❤ (swipe) *************************************************** Which was your favorite season of her? Your favorite moments? I really love her development even if I think she became not enough recognition in the last season. But until S6 her development was fantastic. My most favorite season of her was S5. Favorite moment in S1 -> the "when you play the game of thrones..." moment of course. S2 -> the talk with Tyrion in 2x07 "sometimes I wonder...". S3 -> her talk with Margaery in 3x08. S4 -> the "your legacy is a lie" moment. S5 -> the walk of shame. S6 -> when she blows up the sept. S7 -> her reunion with Tyrion (the private talk). **************************************************** #cerseilannister #houselannister #cerseixtyrion #cerseixjaime #cerseixtywin #cerseixmargaery #cerseixolenna #cerseixeuron #queenofthesevenkingdoms #queencersei #whenyouplaythegameofthronesyouwinoryoudie #walkofshame #alannisteralwayspaysherdebts #gameofthrones #got #cerseilannisterseason1 #cerseilannisterseason2 #cerseilannisterseason3 #cerseilannisterseason4 #cerseilannisterseason5 #cerseilannisterseason6 #cerseilannisterseason7

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Jon Snow


Jon Snow through the seasons ❤ (swipe) ******************************************************Which was your favorite season of Jon? Your favorite moments? Mine was S6. Favorite moment S1 -> he said goodbye to Arya. Favorite moment S2 -> he killed Qhorin Halfhand. Favorite moment S3 -> he left Ygritte. 💔 Favorite moment S4 -> the whole 4x09. Favorite moment S5 -> he killed the White Walker. Favorite moment S6 -> the KitN moment! Favorite moment S7 -> he touches Drogon. ******************************************************#jonsnow #jonsnowseason1 #jonsnowseason2 #jonsnowseason3 #jonsnowseason4 #jonsnowseason5 #jonsnowseason6 #jonsnowseason7 #ghost #gameofthrones #got #kitharington #jonxarya #jonxsansa #jonxygritte #jonxdaenerys #jonxghost #jonxdrogon #rhaegal #rhaegartargaryen #lyannastark #housestark #housetargaryen #rhaegarxlyanna

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Tyrion Lannister


Tyrion Lannister through the seasons. (swipe) ************************************************** Which season was your favorite of him? Favorite moments? I think his season was definitely S4. But also S2&3 were great. I was very disappointed about his development in S5&6. Anyway, favorite moment in S1 -> the "never forget what you are" monologue. S2 -> his "I will hurt for this" speech. S3 -> the small council meeting in 3x10 and his talk with Tywin after that. S4 -> his speech at his trial of course. S5 -> when he saw Drogon the first time. S6 -> when Dany named him hand of the Queen. S7 -> the reunion with Cersei (the private talk). ************************************************** #tyrionlannister #peterdinklage #tyrionxcersei #tyrionxtywin #tyrionxsansa #tyrionxjamie #tyrionxjon #tyrionxdaenerys #tyrionxdrogon #houselannister #lannistersalwayspaytheirdebts #justnowkingsaredyinglikeflies #thenorthernerswillneverforget #yourjoywillturntoashesinyourmouth #idemandatrialbycombat #gameofthrones #got #tyrionlannisterseason1 #tyrionlannisterseason2 #tyrionlannisterseason3 #tyrionlannisterseason4 #tyrionlannisterseason5 #tyrionlannisterseason6 #tyrionlannisterseason7

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Danaerys Targaryen


Daenerys Targaryen through the seasons. (swipe) ************************************************** Favorite Dany season? Favorite moments? My favorite season of her is S3. Definitely her strongest season with her greatest moments. Favorite moment S1 -> of course the dragon birth. S2 -> her vision, especially the moment with the throne. S3 -> the "Dracarys" moment. S4 -> when she locked her dragons in.😢 S5 -> her first ride on Drogon. S6 -> the goodbye to Jorah. S7 -> her first steps in Westeros and the following "shall we begin". ************************************************** #daenerystargaryen #dany #danyxjon #danyxjorah #danyxdrogo #danyxdrogon #rhaegal #viseryon #drogon #dracarys🔥 #valahd #shallwebegin #fireandblood #housetargaryen #danyvscersei #emiliaclarke #gameofthrones #got #daenerystargaryenseason1 #daenerystargaryenseason2 #daenerystargaryenseason3 #daenerystargaryenseason4 #daenerystargaryenseason5 #daenerystargaryenseason6 #daenerystargaryenseason7

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Sansa Stark


Sansa Stark through the seasons. (swipe) ************************************************** Which was your favorite season of her? Your favorite moments? S3 was my favorite of her. I liked her interacting with Tyrion. Her development was (with S4) on the high point in my opinion. My favorite moment in S1 -> that one I choosed in the picture. S2 -> the "Lady Stark, you may survive us yet" moment. S3 -> her talk with Olenna and Margaery. S4 -> I never liked her interacting with LF, but the moment she turned into 'Dark'-Sansa was epic. S5 -> her statement to Miranda before the wedding. S6 -> the reunion with Jon. S7 -> the "Lord Baelish" moment of course.😁 ************************************************** #sansastark #sansaxtyrion #sansaxjon #sansaxarya #sansaxbran #sansaxsandor #sansaxmargaery #sansaxlittlefinger #housestark #ladyofwinterfell #queeninthenorth #iamsansastarkofwinterfell #ladystark #youmaysurviveusyet #lady #thewolfandthelion #gameofthrones #got #sansastarkseason1 #sansastarkseason2 #sansastarkseason3 #sansastarkseason4 #sansastarkseason5 #sansastarkseason6 #sansastarkseason7

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Arya Stark


Arya Stark through the seasons ❤ (swipe) ***************************************************** Which was her best season? Her best moments? In my opinion she was the best character in the first four seasons. My favorite season of her was probably S4. Favorite moment S1 -> her reaction of Ned's beheading. 😢 S2 -> "anyone can be killed". S3 -> in 3x09 when she was near to her family and looking at the twins. S4 -> the "killing Polliver' scene. S5 -> the Needle scene (5x03). S6 -> the 'killing Walder Frey' scene. S7 -> the reunion and goodbye to Nymeria. 💔 ***************************************************** #aryastark #aryaxnymeria #aryaxjon #aryaxsandor #aryaxsansa #aryaxned #aryaxbran #housestark #thenorthremembers #wintercame #noone #anyonecanbekilled #thatsnotyou #thatsnotme #aryastarkseason1 #aryastarkseason2 #aryastarkseason3 #aryastarkseason4 #aryastarkseason5 #aryastarkseason6 #aryastarkseason7 #gameofthrones #got #nymeria #needle

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Jorah Mormont


Jorah Mormont through the seasons. (swipe) ******************************************************* Favorite season of him? Favorite moments? (From this character to all characters to come, I just mention my top 5 of favorite moments, not to every season one moment.) I really loved him in S7. He had some great moments there. My top 5 moments: 1. When he finally said Dany that he loves her in S6. 2. The goodbye to Sam after Sam healed him from Greyscale. 3. The moment with Jon and the sword. 4. When he saved Dany from the Sons of the Harpy. 5. His talk with Tyrion about Jeor. ******************************************************* #jorahmormont #jorahtheandal #housemormont #jeormormont #jorahxdany #jorahxdaenerys #jorahxtyrion #jorahxsam #jorahxjon #daenerystargaryen #greyscale #gameofthrones #gots7 #got

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Jaime Lannister


Jaime Lannister through the seasons. (swipe) ************************************************** Favorite season of Jaime? Favorite moments? S3 was his best season. But S2 was great too. He was awesome there and it made him to one of the greatest characters in the early seasons. But sadly it went down after that. In my opinion he was the most boring main character in the last 3 seasons. The writers really fucked up his development. Anyway, my favorite S1 moment -> the "there are no men like me" scene. S2 -> his other talk with Catelyn. S3 -> the bath scene with Brienne. 👌 S4 -> his goodbye to Tyrion. S5 -> the scene with Myrcella before she died. S6 -> the talk with Edmure. S7 -> the battle scenes in 7x04. ************************************************** #jaimelannister #kingslayer #themanwithouthonor #oathkeeper #jaimexcersei #jaimexbrienne #jaimextyrion #jaimexcatelyn #therearenomenlikeme #burnthemall #houselannister #nikolajcosterwaldau #gameofthrones #got #jaimelannisterseason1 #jaimelannisterseason2 #jaimelannisterseason3 #jaimelannisterseason4 #jaimelannisterseason5 #jaimelannisterseason6 #jaimelannisterseason7

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Samwell Tarley


Samwell Tarly through the seasons. (swipe) ******************************************************* I am not sure if I have the right pics for S2&3. If they are wrong I'm really sorry, but there is not a lot stuff from Sam in the internet. Favorite season? Favorite moments? I loved him in S7 very much because he finally was confident. His development was very great in S6&7. Top 5 moments: 1. When he cured Jorah from greyscale. 2. The moment he taked Gilly & little Sam and leaves the citadell. 3. His talk with Bran in S7.😂 4. His arriving in the library of the citadell. 5. When he was taking the family sword and leaves with Gilly & little Sam. ******************************************************* #samwelltarly #samtarly #housetarly #samxgilly #samxlittlesam #samxjon #samxjorah #samxbran #nightswatch #maester #citadell #winterfell #gameofthrones #gots7

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Brandon Stark


Brandon Stark & Brienne of Tarth through the seasons. (swipe) ******************************************************* Sorry I had upload problems with this. Favorite season of Bran? Favorite season of Brienne? Favorite moments of these two? My fave Bran season was definitely S6. Loved the flashbacks. Favorite moment S1 -> when he saw Ned the last time. S2 -> his goodbye to Maester Luwin. S3 -> his goodbye to Rickon. Every scene I've mentioned was so heartbreaking.😢 S4 -> when he saw the tree the first time. S6 -> the Hodor flashback of course. S7 -> his reunion with Sam. My favorite Brienne season was S3. Best moment S2 -> her pledge to Catelyn. S3 -> the bath scene with Jaime. 👌 S4 -> her scene with Arya. S5 -> I actually think she was very boring in this season like a lot other characters. So my decision is the scene she finally met Stannis. I think she was wrong about the "rightful King" opinion, but the scene was great played from both of these actors. S6 -> how she saved Sansa and Theon and her following pledge to Sansa. S7 -> her talk with Sandor about Arya. ******************************************************* #brandonstark #branstark #thethreeeyedraven #branxhodor #branxmeera #branxned #branxmaesterluwin #branxsummer #summer #housestark #brandonstarkofwinterfell #brienneoftarth #brienne #briennethebeauty #briennexrenly #briennexcatelyn #briennexjaime #briennexsansa #briennexarya #briennevsstannis #briennevsthehound #brienneoftarthallseasons #branstarkallseasons #isaachempsteadwright #gwendolinechristie

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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu Joomboos.hr dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu Joomboos.hr te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • mala_loodacha

    Wooow baš velika promjena :O