Možda u Hrvatskoj Twitter nije najpopularnija društvena mreža, ali biseri su joj najjači...
1. Pogodi, pogodi ga! Kažemo svi mi ispred kompjutera...
HANG GLIDER COP: I see a crime happening directly below me
— Joe West (@joejwest) January 20, 2015
[glides on]
Not much I can do
2. A u IRL bi kao trebao dati 600 dolara za njih
These the boots that's already in ya inventory when ya start the RPG
— Gyarados Equis (@PokemonyeWest) December 9, 2016
3. Najgori osjećaj na svijetu
from the makers of "im too tired to go to bed" comes the thriling "i didnt eat anythig today so now im too hungry to figure out what to eat"
— jomny sun (@jonnysun) August 1, 2017
4. Daaamn...
Why is Bran Stark aging into an exact average of all four Beatles
— David Thorpe (@Arr) July 31, 2017
5. Lol
PUBLISHER: I hope this is better than your last book idea about a murderer called Hurderer
— Tom Neenan (@TNeenan) July 31, 2017
THOMAS HARRIS: Its about a cannibal
P: Go on
6. Samo diši...
Some dude just called me a pussy for putting on sunscreen. Imagine thinking you're tougher than the sun? The fucking sun?
— "Riggs" (@RiggsBarstool) June 10, 2017
7. Mi smo za
Motion to call sun-dried tomatoes "Sunny Ts"
— Sean Clements (@SeanClements) July 31, 2017
8. Između dva zla
I've been feeling soooo torn but I've made a decision. I'm gonna vote for Kid Rock for Senate in hopes that he has less time to make music.
— JEN KIRKMAN (@JenKirkman) August 1, 2017
9. Mak'se od mene
When someone tells you their hands are cold, there's a 95% chance they're going to put their hands on you to prove how cold they are.
— Lindsay (@Rollinintheseat) July 25, 2017
10. Ono kad se stres upije u sve
Sometimes I get so stressed that the stress stays in my body even after the thing I was stressed about is over like it's in my muscle tissue
— Sarah Kay (@kaysarahsera) July 31, 2017
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