Fancy a. f. 492 pregleda 06. studenoga 2017.

Ovako izgledaju najskuplje cipele na svijetu


Evo kako izgledaju cipele koje koštaju čak 15.1 milijun dolara. Kako se vama sviđaju?

Britanska dizajnerica Debbie Wingham poznata je po svojim suludo skupim modnim kreacijama. Prije najskupljih cipela na svijetu kreirala je i najskuplju haljinu čija je cijena 64 milijuna američkih dolara, te tortu (da, tortu!) za 15.45 milijuna!

 Ove cipele sadrže bijelo drago kamenje, te rijetke plave i ljubičaste dijamante. Dizajnerica ih je napravila po narudžbi kao poklon za rođendan (baš dobar poklon), a na materijalu nije štedjela. Cijena rijetkih plavih i ljubičastih dijamanta iznosi ”samo” 13 milijuna dolara.


Last night was the big reveal of my 4th world's most expensive, the world's most expensive shoe valued at 15.1 million, this time I wasn't a one woman band and I did a collaboration with the AMAZING Chris Campbell from the @shoebakery . It was created for one of my arabian clients who had a portfolio of diamonds and wanted a unique piece of diamond art, the client loves pastries and fashion, a girl out of my own heart, Chris Campbell was my obvious partner since he is excellent at what he does and his mind set is pastry all the way! we designed the shoes together and Chris made them since he is a shoe art master, this is unusual for me since im a control freak and create everything myself with my name on it but Chris doing a WME can be life changing, I'm so glad I could present you this opportunity and let's just say you smashed it!!! #worldsmostexpensivedesigner #worldsmostexpensiveshoe #worldsmostexpensive #luxury #diamonds #diamondart #designer #caketechinques #art #artists #cakeinspo #cake #cakeartist #luxuryshoes #shoes #designeraccessories

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Također, cipele su izrađene od prave kože koja je optočena zlatom što je podiglo cijenu cipela na 15.1 milijuna!

Glasaj i reci nam kako ti se sviđaju ove cipele!


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