Fancy a. f. 1 pregleda 25. srpnja 2016.

Povećati usne nikada nije bilo ovako lako!


Ako žudiš za tim da ti usne izgledaju punije, svidjet će ti se ovaj trik

Obrubljivanje usana olovkom koja je za nijansu tamnija od ruža najčešći je način vizualnog povećavanja usana.

Sada se stvari u make up svijetu potpuno mijenjaju i pronalaze se novi načini uljepšavanja, a kad je u pitanju upravo vizualno povećavanje usana, na Instagramu se nedavno pojavio novi trend...

Riječ je o takozvanim 'bluranim' ili mutnim usnama, tehnici šminkanja kod koje se primjenjuje obrnuta logika pa se tako s vanjske strane usana koriste svjetlije boje, a na unutrašnjoj strani tamnije. 

Prilikom korištenja ove tehnike od velike pomoći ti može biti i korektor. Prvo usne premaži tankim slojem korektora, a zatim ruž nanesi samo na sredinu usana te na kraju spužvicom ili prstom lagano razmaži vidljive prijelaze. 


This weather is perfect for a lip look like thiS. Blurred Lips are a trend spotted on every runway for spring summer 2015. Starting with a neutral shade lipstick lip liner is an optional good solution if you want more definition, also, blotting between steps is optional but it helps the staying power of any lipstick. 1.Apply one first thin layer of lip colour avoiding the very edge of your lips and the corners of your mouth. This layer has to be thin since you need to work on the edges without dragging colour all around your mouth. 2.With your finger tips press the colour to blend it with the skin, working from the center of your mouth towards your lip line. You will have less colour on your finger tips in the beginning, but more and more as you go on working the color into the skin. Use each finger when it's stained with more color pigments on the lip line areas that you want to emphasize and when it has less colour on focus on the areas that need to be sheerer (mouth corners). 3.Re-apply your lip colour by tapping the lipstick from the center of the lips towards the edges without reaching the edges of your lips. You can go on tapping your lipstick like this as much as you feel like depending on which areas need more color. If you need to re-apply some lip color later on just concentrate on the center of the lips and then press lips together. #spring #summer #runway #2015 #lips #mua #fade #effect #rose #makeupartist #la #tbt #latergram #Anastasiabeverlyhills #love #style #thelook #fashion #instyle #blurredlips #makeup #trend #alert #easy #edgy

A photo posted by KSENIYA✖️ (@kseniyadurst) on

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