Svi znate za Thanosa, Nebulu ili Gamoru, ali vjerojatno malo od vas zna kako zapravo izgledaju glumci koji igraju ove superjunake u popularnim Marvelovim filmovima. Zato smo mi tu da vam otkrijemo. Pa, krenimo.
Talosa u filmu Captain Marvel igra australski glumac Paul Benjamin Mendelsohn.
Alright, this is all going to sound like an infomercial but it’s not. It’s a revelation for me and that’s it. In between jobs I usually give myself a break and get a little lazy. With that comes back pain (especially lower), something I’ve dealt with off and on (mostly on) most of my adult life. Getting ready for “Dune” now after basically being out of shape, especially because of having to go a different, more refined type of fighting, I’m having all kinds of revelations about my body. The biggest is truly seeing how much I sit on my hip bones. This means I avoided relying on my core in every which way. My core is, by far, the weakest part of my physique, the next being my legs. I’ve always been an upper body guy with a brutal lean forward (on my psoads which tighten and contract like a cue ball). I’ve been to every doctor there is. Recently, I’ve stepped back, erased what every doctor has told me, downloaded an app called Abs Workout - Daily FitnessHealth & Fitness <> and done that twice a day, first thing in the morning and at night. The other thing is slowly waking up my glute muscles with air squats, but at the top of them squeezing my glutes (my butt) along with my hamstrings and reminding myself often to lift my rib cage and get my upper body off my hip bones, to elongate. Already I feel a difference. I’ve been doing the elliptical so as to be as non-impact as possible, and by the time I get off it, I’m drenched and inspired. I’m in Hungary right now, excited about this film, excited about working with Denis Villeneuve again, but mostly stoked on realizing that beyond 50 years old, the reward of doing nothing is feeling like shit. Eat well, have a cheat day, exercise at least 5 days a week for a half hour as a base, read a fucking book, and watch a Ricky Gervais video at least once a day. Then, whatever you do, you will have the foundation to support it. There you go.
Objavu dijeli Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin) Ožu 15, 2019 u 1:46 PDT
Thanosa u Avengersima glumi Josh Brolin.
Thanosovu kćerku Nebulu igra škotska glumica Karen Gillan.
Ronan the Accuser
Objavu dijeli Lee Pace (@leeepfrog) Lip 6, 2018 u 4:37 PDT
Ronana u Čuvarima galaksije glumi Lee Pace.
Ayeshu u Čuvarima galaksije igra glumica Elizabeth Debicki.
Gamoru glumi Zoe Saldana.
Drax the Destroyer
Draxa glumi Dave Bautista.
Mantis se pojavljuje u Čuvarima galaksije 2, a glumi je francuska glumica Pom Klementieff.
Yondu Udonta
Glumac Michael Rooker prvo se proslavio u The Walking Deadu, a zatim je utjelovio Yondu u Čuvarima galaksije.
Visiona je utjelovio glumac Paul Bettany, koji se i ranije pojavio u Marvelovim filmovima o Iron Manu (ali samo kao glas Edwina Jarvisa).
Corvus Glaive
Corvusa je utjelovio glumac Michael James Shaw.
Pogledaj novi video na našem YouTube kanalu.
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