Prvi 256 pregleda 30. lipnja 2020.

Genijalno: Ovaj umjetnik slika zvijezde u smiješnim scenama


O tome koliko su nedostižne granice ljudske kreativnosti, svjedočimo svakodnevno, a društvene mreže su omogućile mnogim talentiranim umjetnicima da se vrlo brzo ‘probiju’ te da sa svijetom podijele svoj talent.

Jedan takav poseban talent ima i kreativac iz ove priče, piše BoredPanda.

Mladić pod umjetničkim imenom @paperboyo, prije situacije s pandemijom koronavirusa je radio u arhitektonskom uredu izrađujući makete s optičkim iluzijama u prostoru, a kako se nakon samoizolacije našao u situaciji s viškom slobodnog vremena, odlučio je iskoristiti svoju kreativnost, znanje te osjećaj za prostor kako bi osmislio sasvim novi koncept umjetnosti.

Naime, Paperboy koristi svakodnevne elemente i predmete iz prostora poput žica, kablova, punjača mobitela pa čak i bombona te ih kombinira sa sličicama likova iz filmova tvoreći tako genijalne slike.

Njegov rad na Instagramu prati preko 450 tisuća ljudi, a do sada je objavio preko 650 vizualno impresivnih fotografija iz svog opusa.


Fun fact about this watch - it was used to save the world from a nuclear disaster (although to add some context - it was in the James Bond film ThunderBall). And okay, so it wasn't this actual watch but the original version of it was worn by Sean Connery in that film. @breitling_uk have relaunched their Top Time to celebrate the retro vibes of the 60s&70s. I had a think about some of the other icons of that era & hopefully you can tell who I landed on. It's unconventional style has been updated with the latest tech, including a digital passport which confirms it's identity (Q would be proud).⁣ ⁣ #TopTime #Breitling #SquadOnAMission ⁣

Objavu dijeli paperboyo | paper creative (@paperboyo)


The one thing Harry Houdini couldn't escape from...⁣ ⁣ I made this for my friend @mr.kriss' brand new project @createsmartart where he's encouraging people around the world to make art with everyday objects.⁣ ⁣ On the topic of creativity (and escapism), I'm loving seeing people lean into their creative side to get through the past weeks. Here's a few things I've seen that I've enjoyed: @the_socialdistanceproject has been documenting people's dramas in lockdown, @robsayart has been keeping his neighbours smiling with new illustrations in his window each day, the @gettymuseum's followers have been re-creating iconic paintings with household objects, @whitecube have been letting well known artists such as Tracey Emin take over their account, @damienhirst designed a rainbow for people to download & put in their windows, Tom Croft set up #portraitsfornhsheroes where artists are paired up with NHS workers to paint their portraits, @adobe encouraged people to #honourheroes with their creativity (which I got involved with- see my last post), Jamie Wardley created a 100m long tribute to the NHS in grass on a field in Yorkshire, @rachthepachel (and others) have been painting murals celebrating the NHS, @saatchi_gallery have had a wide range of artists (including me) host Instagram lives inviting virtual audiences into their studios and of course when Captain Tom hit the headlines there was a plethora of art celebrating the man. More than ever I'm grateful that I've got my paper/photography hobby to keep me occupied, otherwise I'd be scrapping the barrel of Netflix shows.

Objavu dijeli paperboyo | paper creative (@paperboyo)



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