Prvi KORONA VIRUS 916 pregleda 25. ožujka 2020.

Princ Charles (71) pozitivan je na korona virus

Yui Mok/Press Association/PIXSELL

Testirala se i njegova supruga, Camilla. Njezin je nalaz negativan.

Princ Charles (71) testirao se na korona virus i njegov je nalaz pozitivan, javljaju strani mediji. 


“The Holocaust must never be allowed to become simply a fact of history: we must never cease to be appalled, nor moved by the testimony of those who lived through it. Their experience must always educate, and guide, and warn us.” . Today The Prince of Wales delivered a speech at the World Holocaust Forum @yadvashem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. . On behalf of the United Kingdom, The Prince lay a wreath at the @yadvashem memorial in memory of those who died in the Holocaust. Earlier in the day, at the Israel Museum, The Prince of Wales spent time with Holocaust survivors: Marta Wise, a survivor of Auschwitz, and George Shefi, who was sent to England with the Kindertransport. Visit @clarencehouse to see more from His Royal Highness’s visit to Israel and read his speech in full.

Objavu dijeli The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily)

"Pokazivao je simptome korona virusa, ali osjeća se dobro i radi od kuće posljednjih nekoliko dana", objavili su iz Clarence Housea. Princ trenutno ima blage simptome, piše 24sata.

Supruga Camilla je negativna


"Charity begins at home. But so does domestic violence. Three-quarters of violence against women happens in a place where a woman should feel safest – her own home." . Today, The Duchess of Cornwall attended the Grand Opening Session of the Women of the World Festival in London and spoke about why domestic abuse is #EveryonesProblem. The Duchess is President of the Festival, which aims to celebrate women and girls by raising awareness of the issues that prevent them from achieving their potential and discussing solutions together. Her Royal Highness has worked for many years to raise awareness of the issue of domestic abuse. Follow @ClarenceHouse to see more.

Objavu dijeli The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily)

Prinčeva supruga, Camilla, također se testirala na korona virus, no njezin se nalaz pokazao negativnim. Njih dvoje trenutno su izolirani u kraljičinom dvorcu Balmoral u Škotskoj.

I Kraljica je u izolaciji

 | Autor: Yui Mok/Press Association/PIXSELL Yui Mok/Press Association/PIXSELL

Charles se testirao nakon što je doznao kako je monaški princ Albert pozitivan na koronu, a on je s njime bio u kontaktu. 

Prije nekoliko je dana potvrđeno kako je i jedan od zaposlenika Kraljice Elizabete II. pozitivan na korona virus. Ne zna se je li Kraljica bila u kontaktu s njime ili ne, ali se, zbog sigurnosti i smanjenja rizika od zaraze, svejedno, nešto ranije nego inače, povukla u Windsor. Kraljica ondje, inače, svake godine odlazi za vrijeme Uskrsa.

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