Riješi me! 100 pregleda 11. rujna 2016.

Pripreme za Halloween: Neka i hrana na tulumu bude jeziva!

Olivia Rodrigo Instagram

Za najstrašniju noć u godini potrebna vam je i stvarno strašna hrana... brrr

Bliži se Noć vještica, a ako ste najstrašniju večer planirali obilježiti strašnim partyjem za pamćenje, osim fora maski biti će vam potrebna i hrana od koje će vas pomalo proći jeza...

U nastavku vam donosimo prijedloge za prefora zalogajčiće koje će svi pamtiti!

1. Vještičji prsti


Na semana do HALLOWEEN 👻 tem DEDOS DE BRUXA no cardápio!!! A receita é super fácil, saudavel e impressiona!!! Rende de 12 a 15 dedos, anote: 👻1/4 xícara de farinha de amêndoas (30g) 👻1/4 xícara de fécula de batata (35g) 👻1/4 xícara de farinha de aveia (30g) 👻1/4 xícara de farelo de aveia (40g) 👻2 Cs de óleo de coco 👻10 gotas de essência de baunilha 👻1 ovo 👻1/4 xícara de açúcar demerara 👻12 a 15 amêndoas para as unhas Bata os ovos com o óleo e misture os outros ingredientes e reserve por 30 minutos na geladeira. Modele os dedos (faça marcas nas "juntas" com uma faca) e distribua em uma assadeira, coloque as amêndoas e leve ao forno baixo por 10 minutos. Ahhhh, pro "SANGUE" eu usei: 👻8 morangos picados 👻2 Cs de açúcar demerara 👻Gotinhas de limão Leve ao fogo por alguns minutos, uns 5-10😁 Depois é só bater. #halloweenrecipes #halloweenfood #dedosdebruxa #bolachafuncional #witchfingers #halloweenmassa

A photo posted by THAIS MASSA (@thaismassa) on

2. Pauk na tanjuru

3. Mini pite u obliku bundeve


Pumpkin Hand Pie Recipe by @sprinkledwithjules . Its #nationalpumpkinday ! . Check out her blog for more recipes! Link in her bio page.@sprinkledwithjules . makes 6-8 mini pies . For the crust: . 2 cups flour 2 T. sugar 1 1/2 t. salt 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, cubed and very cold 1/2 cup ice water For the filling: 1/2 c. pumpkin puree 1/4 c. sour cream 1 egg 1/3 c. brown sugar 2 T. heavy cream 2 T. flour 1/4 t. cinnamon 1/8 t. nutmeg 1/8 t. cloves . Directions: . For crust: Mix flour, sugar, and salt together. Cut cold butter into the flour mixture until butter chunks are the size of peas. Slowly add ice water while mixing until the dough resembles coarse meal. Turn out onto floured surface and shape into a disk. Cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 20 minutes. . For filling: Combine all filling ingredients and mix until there are no clumps left. . To assemble: Roll out pie dough on a floured surface. Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness or less. (The crust to filling ratio will be high at 1/4 inch thickness.). Use a cookie cutter to cut out pairs circles. (I used 4 in. cutters) Using a sharp knife or other tools, cut out jack-o-lantern faces from half of the circles. The other halves will be the bottom crusts. Using pie scraps form and attach pumpkin stems to the bottom crusts. Take filling and spoon about 2 Tablespoons into the middle of the bottom crusts. (amount will vary depending on the size of your circles). Dip your fingertip in water and run it around the edge of the crust that has the filling on it. This will act as glue to adhere the top crust to it. Take the top crust, with its face already cut out, and gently place it over the filling crust. Gently apply pressure to the edges to seal. Use a fork to crimp the edges and further seal them. Place on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and coat with egg wash (egg + 1 T. milk), and sprinkle in sugar. Bake at 400 F, for 25 minutes, or until golden brown. Let cool for 15 minutes, and enjoy!

A photo posted by Easy Recipes (@cookinwithmima) on

4. Cupcakes s lubanjom

5. Jestivi šišmiši

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