Prvi 768 pregleda 24. rujna 2018.

10 stvari koje moraš znati o Nirvani

Ovo je sve što trebaš znati o jednom od najpoznatijih bendova na svijetu

1. Njihov album Nevermind danas slavi 27. rođendan, a nastao je 24. rujna 1991. godine


24 settembre 1991 #nirvana #nevermind #tantaroba #smellsliketeenspirit #comeasyouare #peresempio

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2. Pjesma "Smells like teen spirit" inspirirana je dezodoransom Kurtove tadašnje cure i alkoholom.

3. Pjesma "Polly" je napravljena po istinitom događaju. Kurt je pročitao članak o djevojčici koja je silovana i odlučio napisati pjesmu iz njezine perspektive. 

4. Njihov prvi singl bio je cover pjesme "Love Buzz" benda Shocking Blue.

5. Kurt se ispisao iz škole pa je radio tamo kao domar.


kurt #kurtcobain #nirvana #90s #grunge

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6. Prije nego što se bend zvao Nirvana, prošao je kroz brojna imena - Fecal Matter, Pen Cap Chew, Bliss, Ted Ed Fred i Skid Row. 

7. Album Nevermind srušio je Bad od Michaela Jacksona s vrha Billboardove liste i ostao je najbolji 252 tjedna.


I was born in the 80's and I grew up watching MTV, and like most people who grew up at this time, I was heavily influenced by the appearance of "Grunge" and his legendary, but tormented front men's, and every time I think about that period of my life, the first musical memory that comes to my mind is one day that my older brother was listening to Nirvana, after this, Nirvana became the most important band in my life, and I believe, I owe them the love I have for music nowadays, that’s why today it’s a really speacial day, on this day, 27 years ago, Nirvana released “Nevermind” their second studio album and the first to feature drummer Dave Grohl. . So let’s talk about this album, considered by many to be the pinnacle of alternative rock, and also the quintessential 90's rock album, what nirvana did with "Nevermind" was to bring rock back to the simplicity and catchiness of it's early days, just like the Ramones did with their debut, but what makes “Nevermind” as revolutionary, listenable and undeniably influential as it is, is Cobain's almost otherworldly knack for songwriting, besides the energy and passion that Cobain, Grohl, and Novoselic put into the performances in every single one of the songs. . Despite low commercial expectations, “Nevermind” became a surprise success, selling at least 30 million copies worldwide, largely due to the popularity of their singles “Smells Like Teen Spirit", "Come As You Are", "Lithium" and "In Bloom", songs that became almost immediately the generation-x anthems that catapulted the underground into the mainstream. . Nevermind was released on September 24, 1991, turning 27 years old today, so let’s celebrate this day spinning this masterpiece, and if you dare to pick just one favorite song on this album go ahead, and tell me in the comments!!! . . . . #nirvana #Kurtcobain #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinyladdict #vinylcollector #vinylcollectionpost #VFRecordcollections #record_feature #ilovediscogs #vinyligclub #vinylcommunity #vinylcommunitypost #vinylsecretsociety #Instavinyl #vinylgram #vinyloftheday #vinylporn #vinyllove #records #recordcollector #nowplaying #nowspinning #Onmyturntable #LP #33rpm #audiophile

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8. Kurt je bio jako inspiriran The Beatlesima.

9. Kurt je znao i crtati, stalno je kao dijete crtao likove iz crtića, a išao je i u umjetničku školu. 

10. Kurt ima kći koja se zove Frances Bean. 


damn the man, save the empire.

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 | Autor: JoomBoos, Pixell, Canva JoomBoos, Pixell, Canva

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  • Važna obavijest
    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • Youtuber123

    Ja obožavam Nirvanu!!