Prvi 2969 pregleda 10. siječnja 2018.

7 najbrutalnijih rekorda iz Guinnessove knjige


Donosimo ti sedam totalno brutalnih rekorda iz Guinnessove knjige.

Ako misliš da su neke stvari nemoguće, varaš se! U Guinnessovoj knjizi rekorda postoje svakakve sulude stvari. Mi ti donosimo sedam poprilično ludih!

1. Najduže noge. U rujnu ove godine, Guinnessova knjiga rekorda proglasila je noge Ruskinje Ekaterine Lisine najdužim nogama na svijetu. Njezina desna noga dugačka je 132.2 centimetra, a lijeva nešto više, 132.8 centimetara. 

2. Najduža kosa. Argentinka Abril Lorenzatti ima kosu dugačku čak 1 metar i 52 centimetra! Abril nije ošišala kosu zadnjih 11 godina, a na pitanje zašto je uopće odlučila toliko pustiti kosu, odgovorila je kako je nakon jednog posjeta frizeru bila jako nesretna i nezadovoljna. 

- Nikada više nisam htjela imati kratku kosu - rekla je Abril. Vjerojatno ni neće!


The real-life Rapunzel has made it in the record books! Behold: Abril Lorenzatti from Argentina, the new record holder for the longest hair on a teenager. While her hair may be long and flowing like the fairytale character, Abril does not confine her 1.52-metre-long (4 ft 11.84 in) locks to a tower and instead shows off her lengthy locks around her home town of Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba. Her dedication and patience to grow her hair consistently for the past 11 years is impressive – but what was her inspiration behind it? According to the 17-year-old, it was a bad haircut experience that led her to maintain record-breaking locks. After wanting her hair to resemble the same bobbed style as the main character in the movie Matilda, Abril says she never wanted her hair to be short ever again. Now she's earned a record for her achievements, pleased to be recognized on a global scale. To learn more about how Abril maintains her hair and the challenges that come along with it - tap the link in our bio! #guinnessworldrecords #hair #haircare #inspiration #argentina #longhair #longhairdontcare #longhairstyles

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3. Najveća šalica vruće čokolade. U Kaliforniji, mjestu zvanom Soda Springs stoji najveća šalica vruće čokolade na svijetu. Napravljena je od  4,163.95 litara vruće vode,  226.79 kg čokolade u prahu i 37.85 litara mlijeka. Kada su je poslužili, temperatura vruće čokolade bila je 41 stupanj, a poslužena je svim prolaznicima.. 


After a long day, sometimes a nice big cup of hot cocoa is the best thing to brighten up your day!☕️ We're warmed by this new record for the largest hot cocoa, achieved by Soda Springs Mountain Resort (USA) in Soda Springs, California, USA. Totaling to 4,506.83 litres (1,190.58 US gal), it was made using 4,163.95 litres (1,100 US gal) of water, 226.79 kg (500 lb) of hot cocoa mix, 37.85 litres (10 US gal) of milk, and was served at 41.1 degrees Celsius (106 degrees Fahrenheit). The gigantic hot chocolate was served to visitors of the festival as well as delivered to other ski lodges in the area to be served to employees, staff, and guests after receiving their official record title. ———————————————————————- 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫 ———————————————————————- #guinnessworldrecords #drinks #hotchocolate #hotcocoa #mix #festival #ski #milk #water #California #USA

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4. Najveća kolekcija snježnih kugli. Wendy Suen iz Kine posjeduje najveću kolekciju snježnih kugli - njih čak 4059. Wendy je počela skupljati snježne kugle 2000. godine, a prva kugla koju je dobila ima mačku izvana, a miša iznutra. 


The largest collection of snow globes is 4,059 and is owned by Wendy Suen in Shanghai, China, as verified in November 2016. - Wendy started her collection in 2000. This is the second time she has surpassed her own record, having grown her collection substantially since she first achieved the record with 904 snow globes in 2005. Her first snow globe – given to her by her husband – has a grey cat on the outside and a mouse inside.✨🐭 ————————————————————————- 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 ————————————————————————- #guinnessworldrecords #snow #snowglobe #China #collection #cat #records #mouse

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5. Najveći snjegović. Prije točno deset godina izrađen je najveći snjegović na svijetu, a još uvijek nitko nije skinuo njegov rekord. Najveći snjegović  visok je 37.21 metar, a napravljen je u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Za gradnju snjegovića, odnosno gospođe Snjegović trebalo je preko mjesec dana i tone i tone snijega. 


If you got any snow over the holidays, you might try your hand at building the tallest snowman! ⛄️Residents of Bethel, Maine, USA, and surrounding towns, built a snow woman measuring 37.21 m (122 ft 1 in) tall, over a period of one month, completing her on 26 February 2008. ⛄️A total of 13 million pounds of snow were used to build Olympia the snow woman. She was only a few feet shorter than the Statue of Liberty. ⛄️What's the recipe for making such a large structure? ⛄️Well according to those who helped make her, Olympia's eyelashes were made from eight pairs of skis, a 48-ft-wide fleece hat, an 8-ft-long nose made from chicken wire and painted cheesecloth, lips made from five red car tires, arms made from two 30-ft-tall spruce trees, a 130-ft-long scarf, and three 5-ft-wide truck tires as buttons. ——————————————————————— ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ ——————————————————————— #guinnessworldrecords #snowman #nose #scarf #buttons #snow #winter #Maine #USA #cool #hat

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6. Najveći ljigavac na svijetu. Dvanaestogodišnjakinja Maddie Rae napravila je najvećeg ljigavca na svijetu. On je ljubičaste boje s dodatkom šljokica, a teži čak 6,268.64 kg. 


Who loves SLIME?! At this year's Play Fair NYC, 12-year-old slime maker Maddie Rae led an army of kids in a record attempt to make the world's largest slime! Using ingredients like Maddie's proprietary slime glue, liquid starch, purple pigment powder, and purple glitter, the group of slime enthusiasts aimed to make over six tons of goo! Because of the massive size, many kids needed to conjure the mixture by walking around in a pool filled with slime. After they finished, official adjudicator Mike Janela confirmed that the total weight was 6,268.64 kg (13,820 lb) of sparkly, purple slime - an outstanding new record. To watch the video on how it was made, click the link in our bio! Tag slime accounts to inspire them - your third most used emoji is your reaction in the comments. ——————————————————- 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 #guinnessworldrecords #slime #slimeglue #glitterslime #purple #purpleslime #big #wow #kids #DIY #crafts #creative #sparkle #glitter #sparkly

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7. Najveća kolekcija X-Men figurica. Neki od nas skupljaju sličice, magnete, razglednice, dok Eric Jaskolka skuplja X-Men figurice. No, osim figurica u njegovoj se kolekciji nalaze i ruksaci, satovi, slatkiši i brojne druge stvari - ukupni zbroj 15.400! 


Fans of X-men @xmenmovies and @marvel comics, get ready to be amazed: US resident Eric Jaskolka has entered both the #GWR2018 edition and #GWRGamers edition for having the largest collection of X-men memorabilia! An expansive 15,400 item collection which includes backpacks, watches, candy and many other items, Eric first began collecting after his Sunday school teacher (who owned a comic book shop) introduced him to the series. Starting with comic books and toys, he eventually moved on to X-Men-related figurines in 1994. His favorite (if you couldn't already tell) is Wolverine, who Eric connects with because: "He constantly struggles with the question: is he a man or a beast? He has these deadly claws that kill easily, like an animal, but he wants to be better, more man than beast; so he is in a constant struggle to contain his rage and anger. I think we all have different sides of our personality that we struggle with." To see more objects in his impressive record and a full video interview, tap the link in our bio! #guinnessworldrecords #comics #Xmen #wolverine #collection #USA #toys #books #comicbooks #marvel #collectable

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Ako želiš još ludih priča, svakako pročitaj onu o golom Indijcu koji je vukao kamion penisom, razmaženoj bogatašici koja na odjeću troši preko 8 milijuna kuna nogometašu koji je zbog 'daba' skoro završio u zatvoru. 

Jesi li već kupio novi broj omiljenog JoomBoos Videostar magazina? Brzo jer je upravo na kioscima
 | Autor: Marko Prpić/Pixsell Marko Prpić/Pixsell

MEGA POKLON:  Uz novi JoomBoos magazin dobivaš  na dar i prvi youtuberski kalendar! Fotkaj se s prvim youtuberskim kalendarom i objavi fotku na Instagramu uz #videostarmagazin. Najkreativniji će osvojiti JoomBoos jastuk ili majicu ISTI SAN!

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    što je gusineess knjiga?
  • Laricaa

    ja bi ovog ljigavca! !!