Prvi 13761 pregleda 10. lipnja 2019.

Evo što princ Harry želi u svakom hotelu u kojem spava

zenski svijet/instagram

Kad si član kraljevske obitelji možeš imati zaista svakakve zahtjeve, a ovaj Harryjev čak i nije toliko lud.

Princ Harry tijekom svojih poslovnih putovanja često odsjeda u hotelima, a baš u svakom u kojem spava ima jedan jedini, jako poseban zahtjev.

On je jednostavno takav


Today, The Duke of Sussex attends the #ANZACday service at Westminster Abbey with The Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke of Gloucester. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended this service last year in addition to the dawn service. They also paid their respects at the #ANZAC memorial in Sydney during their official tour last fall. Having devoted ten years of service to military duty, including two tours in Afghanistan, The Duke completed his time of service with four weeks with the Australian Defence Force. Their Royal Highnesses remain committed to supporting serving members of the Armed Forces, veterans and the families that support them. #ANZACDay commemorates the anniversary of the Anzac landings at Gallipoli in 1915. ANZAC Day is a moment to recognise the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who lost their lives during the landings, and to honour the sacrifices of men and women in all wars. ANZAC Day has been observed annually in London since King George V attended a service at Westminster Abbey, and more than 2,000 Australian and New Zealand troops marched through the streets. Members of The Royal Family have continued to honour the servicemen and women globally, and today HRH The Duke of Cambridge also paid his respects at @AucklandMuseum. The Duke of Cambridge is visiting The Commonwealth country on behalf of The Queen to pay tribute to those killed in the Christchurch attacks earlier this year.

Objavu dijeli The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

Naime, njemu je jako važno da u hotelu u kojem odsjeda, prilikom njegovog boravka ondje, smanje upotrebu plastike što je više moguće. Ovu Harryjevu malu tajnu otkrivo je njegov blizak prijatelj i polo partner, Nacho Figueras.

"Harry i ja smo odsjeli u tom jednom hotelu večer prije utakmice. Vidio sam ga kako razgovara s nekime od osoblja te im je tada rekao. 'Vidio sam da sam u šalici jutarnje kave dobio onu plastičnu žličicu. Također, majica mi se vratila s pranja u plastičnoj vrećici'", ispričao je Figueras te dodao kako je Harry zamolio da se ovakva nepotrebna upotreba plastike, barem što se tiče njega kad odsjeda u hotelima, treba smanjiti na minimum.

Odličan su primjer svima


Today is #earthday - an opportunity to learn about, celebrate and continue to safeguard our planet, our home. The above, Their Royal Highnesses in Rotorua, New Zealand. Of the 170 different species originally planted in the early 1900’s, only a handful of species, including these majestic Redwoods, remain today. Next, we invite you to scroll through a series of 8 photos taken by The Duke of Sussex©️DOS sharing his environmental POV including: Africa’s Unicorn, the rhino. These magnificent animals have survived ice ages and giant crocodiles, amongst other things! They have adapted to earth’s changing climate continually for over 30 million years. Yet here we are in 2019 where their biggest threat is us. A critical ecosystem, Botswana’s Okavango Delta sustains millions of people and an abundance of wildlife. Huge bush fires, predominantly started by humans, are altering the entire river system; the ash kills the fish as the flood comes in and the trees that don’t burn become next year’s kindling. Desert lions are critically endangered due partly to human wildlife conflict, habitat encroachment and climate change. 96% of mammals on our 🌍 are either livestock or humans, meaning only 4% remaining are wild animals. Orca and Humpback whale populations are recovering in Norway thanks to the protection of their fisheries. Proof that fishing sustainably can benefit us all. Roughly 3/4 of Guyana is forested, its forests are highly diverse with 1,263 known species of wildlife and 6,409 species of plants. Many countries continue to try and deforest there for the global demand for timber. We all now know the damage plastics are causing to our oceans. Micro plastics are also ending up in our food source, creating not just environmental problems for our planet but medical problems for ourselves too. When a fenced area passes its carrying capacity for elephants, they start to encroach into farmland causing havoc for communities. Here @AfricanParksNetwork relocated 500 Elephants to another park within Malawi to reduce the pressure on human wildlife conflict and create more dispersed tourism. Every one of us can make a difference, not just today but every day. #earthday

Objavu dijeli The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

"Takav je on. Ne pričam često o tome, ali to je on. Takvi su oni. Ne podržavaju plastiku", kaže. Iako nije sto posto jasno na koga je mislio pod ovim 'oni', zapravo smo nekako sigurni da je riječ o Harryju i Meghan.

Bravo za njih. Odličan su primjer svima nama.


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