Prvi 750 pregleda 09. travnja 2019.

Jessie Paege otvorila se o borbi s anoreksijom


"Zadnja četiri mjeseca oporavljam se od poremećaja u prehrani..."

Youtuberica Jessie Paege objavila je video na YouTubeu u kojem priznaje da se već dugo bori s poremećajima u prehrani, preciznije anoreksijom. 

"Nisam htjela govoriti o tome dok mi nije počelo biti bolje. Pogledajte! Vaša cura je zdrava!" napisala je Jessie na Instagramu i dodala kako je već četiri mjeseca na putu prema ozdravljenju.


Hi the past 4 months, I’ve been recovering from Anorexia Nervosa (TW: Eating Disorders) I didn’t want to post anything until I was doing better, and look!! ya girl is healthy!! To be honest, I didn’t think I had a problem. I kept convincing myself nothing was wrong…In fact, I ignored it until it got REALLY dangerous :( I got so insanely unhealthy and sick. This disease absolutely took over my whole entire life, but I’m taking my life back! I also really want to make the statement that this mental illness is UGLY. Let me educate you all about that. I really want to use my platform to educate so no one EVER goes through what I did. I went to sleep with chest pain every night from my body literally using my heart muscle for energy because I was so emaciated. My hair has fallen out. I have osteoporosis, brain fog, and don’t get me started on the hormonal effects. I even isolated myself from all my friends. I felt like I lost my personality. A lot of these things go away, but there are certainly long term consequences. After getting diagnosed, I became terrified of going to the doctor's. But, it's SO IMPORTANT to check in on yourself. If you’re in a dark place, don’t hurt your body to cope. Your body works so hard to keep you alive..that’s something I’ve really learned to appreciate throughout this whole journey. I’m so happy I finally have the energy to CREATE again! I’m gonna live so many years and thrive!! I’m a bad ass bitch!! And look at my ass!! HOT!! Ok, but on the real, I’m so proud of myself. I’ll probably fight this to some extent for the rest of my life, but I’m stronger now. No matter what you’re struggling with, keep fighting. I love you all so incredibly much xx 🌻⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ ALSO, some of my fave positive accounts I’ve been loving through recovery are @rebeccajleung @meredithfoster @niki and always @nabela! :)⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ PHOTO ON THE LEFT: @dannyrozenblit⁣⠀ PHOTO ON THE RIGHT: @ximenagraphy

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"Izolirala sam se od svih svojih prijatelja. Izgubila dam svoju osobnost" priznala je Jessie i dodala da je jako važno brinuti se o svom zdravlju i redovito ići doktoru. 


(tw: eating disorders) I posted this to this exact account this time last year and wanted to state publicly that I was not healthy. I posted so much stuff like this and thought it’d only be right to disclose that. However, I can’t wait to post all the positive recovery stuff :’) ❤️ this is probably the last revealing video I took before my ED got to a point where I LIVED in baggy clothes. The crazy thing is I actually thought there was nothing wrong. Makes me sad :( Also idk the fact that one direction is playing is kinda eery. They were my favorite band as a kid and I can’t imagine how 13 year old Jessie would feel seeing this... I was SO UNHEALTHY. It genuinely hurts to see what I did to myself. Anyways, I send u all the love and can’t wait to post NEW CONTENT. We don’t know this Jessie

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"Toliko sam sretna jer ponovo imam energije za stvaranje. Toliko sam ponosna na samu sebe. Sad sam puno jača"  napisala je uz sliku i poručila svojim fanovima koji se bore s istim problemima da nikada ne odustanu


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U četvrtak izlazi prva epizoda 'Savršenog spoja', pratite je na JoomBoos YouTube kanalu od 12 sati!

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  • Važna obavijest
    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • mala_loodacha

    drago mi je da je ozdravila <3