Prvi 578 pregleda 09. travnja 2019.

Justin je posvetio pjesmu Hailey i rastopili smo se


Na Instagramu je svima pokazao kakav je romantičar

Iako ju je repostao nekoliko puta da prepravi gramatičke pogreške, Justin je objavio sliku Hailey s neočekivanim opisom, piše Cosmopolitan.

Naime, napisao joj je ljubavnu pjesmu i zaželio uspješan dan na poslu.


Sunlight falls into the Abyss Just like i fall into your lips Waves crash onto the shore My love for you grows more and more Sound of the crickets a true meditation I think about you, Gods greatest creation. As i fall into this blissful state I ponder on how you’re my one true SOULMATE Its getting dark to dark to see A chilling breeze embraces me The smell of camomile fresh from the garden My life is a movie that both of us star in. Speaking of stars I’m starting to see some They light up the sky, reminds me of my freedom How big and how vast our world is around us So grateful for god we were lost but he found us So i write the poem with him always in mind Things all around us Just get better with time. I fall more in love with you every day! You have walked hand and hand with me as I continue to get my emotions, mind, body and soul in tact! You have given me so much strength, support , encouragement and joy. I just wanted to publicly honor you, and remind you that the best is yet to come! Have a great shoot today my love!

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

Pjesma ide ovako:

Sunlight falls into the Abyss 
Just like i fall into your lips
Waves crash onto the shore
My love for you grows more and more
Sound of the crickets a true meditation
I think about you, Gods greatest creation.
As i fall into this blissful state
I ponder on how you’re my one true SOULMATE
Its getting dark to dark to see
A chilling breeze embraces me
The smell of camomile fresh from the garden
My life is a movie that both of us star in.
Speaking of stars I’m starting to see some
They light up the sky, reminds me of my freedom
How big and how vast our world is around us 
So grateful for god we were lost but he found us
So i write the poem with him always in mind
Things all around us Just get better with time. I fall more in love with you every day! You have walked hand and hand with me as I continue to get my emotions, mind, body and soul in tact! You have given me so much strength, support , encouragement and joy. I just wanted to publicly honor you, and remind you that the best is yet to come! Have a great shoot today my love!


U četvrtak izlazi prva epizoda 'Savršenog spoja', pratite je na JoomBoos YouTube kanalu od 12 sati!

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  • mala_loodacha

    tak će i meni moj muž