Prvi 14333 pregleda 05. ožujka 2020.

Kate Middleton se ošišala: Nikad nije imala kraću kosu

Svoju novu frizuru pokazala je tijekom službenog puta u Irsku!

Uoči puta u Dublin, vojvotkinja Kate Middleton napravila je maleni makeover i promijenila frizuru, javlja Cosmopolitan. Kate i princ William bili su u posjetu Nacionalnom centru za mentalno zdravlje, a tom je prilikom prvi puta javno pokazala svoj novi look.

Najkraća frizura dosad


Today The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been learning about organisations working in Ireland to support and empower young people, and about the country’s conservation initiatives and efforts to protect its environment, with a particular focus on sustainable farming and marine conservation. 1-2. At @Jigsaw_YMH, The Duke and Duchess met young people helped by the free mental support service, before joining a conversation with parents, carers and teachers on the impact of Jigsaw’s services within their communities. 3-4. With young people supported by the charity Extern a range of activities that equip those at Savannah House with key life skills, including meal planning and cooking, and joining them for a game of table tennis – see our story for more! 5-6. On @Teagasc Research Farm in County Meath they heard more about the farm’s pioneering research to promote sustainable farming across the country, before speaking to farmers who have implemented the research into their own practices – and joined local schoolchildren visiting the farm for an educational session on the environment, nutrition and food production. 7. Finally, at the spectacular Howth Cliff, The Duke and Duchess joined representatives from the Marine Institute to talk about their innovating work across Ireland – before taking in sweeping views of the Irish coastline. 8-9. Thank you to everyone that came out to greet The Duke and Duchess today! #RoyalVisitIreland

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Nekoć je imala nešto dužu kosu, a ovoga puta kosu je odrezala malo ispod ramena. Ovo je njezina najkraća frizura dosad i moramo priznati - odlično joj stoji.

Koji je razlog promjeni?


📋 Have you completed The Duchess of Cambridge’s #5BigQuestions on the Under fives survey? It’s not too late to have your say in the biggest ever conversation on early childhood 🗣️ visit the link in our bio before Friday 21st February to fill in the survey. It takes just 5 minutes ⏱️ to answer five simple questions, and help bring about positive, lasting change for generations to come. The survey designed to bring together the thoughts of as many people as possible — recognising that everyone has a role in ensuring strong, healthy foundations for the youngest in our society that will positively affect their lifelong outcomes.

Objavu dijeli Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal)

Vojvotkinja nije otkrila zašto je se ošišala ni kako se odlučila na ovaj korak, ali moguće je da je samo htjela nekakvu manju, fizičku promjenu. Ne vjerujemo da iza nove frizure stoji neki dublji razlog...

No, koji god razlog novoj frizuri bio, ovo je svakako osvježavajuća promjena za Kate! 

Kako se vama sviđa?


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