Prvi 50 pregleda 23. lipnja 2016.

Napali Ariel Winter zbog haljine: 'Zaista si to nosila ispred obitelji?'

Ariel Winter

Iako se stalno naglašava koliko su obline poželjne, kada ih pokažu- djevojke se odmah napada. Na vlastitoj koži to je osjetila i mlada glumica

U zadnje vrijeme Ariel Winter (17) najpoznatija po ulozi pametne sestre Alex u seriji Modern family izgleda ne može izbjeći osuđivanje hejtera na svakom koraku.

Ariel je djevojka s izraženim oblinama, i prekrasna, zdrava tinejdžerka. Poznato je kako je išla na redukciju grudi, i iako je naglašavala kako je odluka bila isljučivo njena, priznaje kako ni mediji nisu pomogli u tome da se osjeća dobro zbog građe svog tijela.

Upravo mediji serviraju sliku idealne, ali i nedostižne ljepote- navodno se promovira sloboda ženskog tijela, ali kada netko poput Ariel zaista i odjene nešto u čemu se osjeća lijepo, izgleda da opet nije dobro.

Osim medija, na njene fotke zakačili su se i trolovi koji su licemjeri skriveni iza svojih tipkovnica: kada je glumica objavila na Instagramu haljinu koju je nosila na proslavi mature (ispod plašta), dobila je salve negativnih komentara poput: 'Pokrij se', 'Poštuj svoje tijelo' i 'Zar si takva izašla pred obitelj'. Dokaz o tome koliko smo licemjerni je i činjenica da je Kylie Jenner odjenula praktički identičnu haljinu, ali je dobivala same komplimente. 



Couldn't be more grateful to @shanelle_gray & @davidbarrygray for throwing me the most amazing graduation party ever last night...the amount of love and support they've shown me for the past four years has been life changing. My sister is my absolute best friend and my everything...❤️ Thank you so much. I couldn't be luckier or more grateful. I was in awe last night and I still am that you guys love me that much to do all of that for me...I never would be where I am today without you guys saved me and taught me to be the person I am today. Dad...I love you!!! Thank you for always being there to support and love me as well and always put a smile on my face no matter what :). I'm so grateful for the bond we now share. Alenah the song you put together with Shanelle and recorded for me was one of the most special gifts I've ever received. I'm still tearing up thinking about it. Thank you for that and for your beautiful, special performance. Also a big thank you so much to Geraldine for putting it all together and to @contemporarycatering @robpauerful for the most amazing food! A special thank you as well to Sharon who is probably the biggest reason I was able to get through high school and accepted into pushed me to always do my best and encouraged me...not to mention you were always there for my 1am freak outs about late projects :) Anddddd thank you SO MUCH to all of my amazing family members and friends that flew in to celebrate with us- you guys are the absolute best. Thank you also to the ones who didn't have to fly much love was felt all around last night. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! Class of 2016...❤️ #uclabound

A photo posted by Ariel Winter (@arielwinter) on



Me and dad :) #prom

A photo posted by Ariel Winter (@arielwinter) on

Iako su približno sličnih godina i pokazuju jednaku količinu kože, jedna djevojka je osuđena, a druga hvaljena.

On Ariel Winter, Body Shaming and Why We Insist on Policing Curvy Bodies

Dokaz je ovo koliko su zahtjevi naspram djevojaka nepravedni i nedostižni stoga se nemoj opterećivati: dok god znaš da nisi samo svoje tijelo, nosi ono u čemu se TI osjećaš dobro!



Who knew that an innocent photo with my nieces would turn into this? The height of a girl's skirt or whatever she is wearing for that matter, does not imply what she is asking for. It sickens me to think at 17 years old, a photo of myself with my nieces is suggesting that I'm "asking for it". I typically never give power to the mean things people bravely say behind their computer screens on the Internet, but this is for the girls who are constantly bullied whether it be online or at school.. You are not asking for anything because of what you are wearing- you are expressing yourself and don't you ever think you deserve the negativity as the consequence to what you are wearing- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Celebrate you and don't let anyone's comments allow you to think less of yourself. Us girls have to stick together!!!!!!

A photo posted by Ariel Winter (@arielwinter) on


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