Prvi 553 pregleda 31. kolovoza 2020.

Ovi dvorci izgledaju kao da su 'ispali' iz Disney filmova

Facundo Arrizabalaga/REUTERS/PIXSELL, Canva

Kao djeca često smo sanjali da živimo u dvorcu, igrali se prinčeva i princeza...i mislili samo da dvorci, domovi naših junaka, postoje samo u filmovima. No, diljem svijeta nalaze se stvarni dvorci koji izgledaju kao da su ispali iz nekih najljepših bajki. Pogledajte deset najljepših!

1. Dvorac Neuschwanstein, Njemačka



Moody Neuschwanstein • • 📸: @_marcelsiebert

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2. Dvorac Hohenzollern, Njemačka



Hohenzollern Castle in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The 19th century castle is the third one built on the site of two previous castles. The medieval one was destroyed in the 15th century by free imperial cities of Schwabia that were subject to the Holy Roman Empire. The second castle was built some 30 years later. Its defenses were drastically reinforced to give shelter to Catholic Hohenzollern against attacks by the emperor. But after the Thirty Years war and surrender to the French troops by the end of the 18th century it was abandoned. In the 19th century Crown-Prince Frederick William IV of Prussia visited the ruins of his ancestors’ castle and promised to rebuild it - in a gothic revival style. Photo by @_marcelsiebert 👍😍🙏🏻👍 . Замок Гогенцоллерн в немецкой земле Баден-Вюртемберг. Неоготический замок был построен крон-принцем Пруссии Фридрихом Вильгельмом IV в середине 19го века на месте руин двух предыдущих замков. Со средневековья на вершине холма высотой 850м стояло поочередно два замка: крепость 11го века была уничтожена Швабским союзом городов. Следующий замок на ее месте служил надежным убежищем для католиков Гогенцоллернов во время Тридцатилетней войны. В 18м веке замок сдался французским войскам, вскоре он был оставлен и через сто лет превратился в руины. Фридрих Вильгельм приехал на руины замка и пообещал себе, что восстановит родовое гнездо. Довел работы до конца его брат Вильгельм I. . #instacastle #hohenzollern #burghohenzollern #hohenzollerncastle #germancastles #europeancastles #castlesofeurope #castleonthehill #fairytalecastle #romanticarchitecture #gothicrevival #gothicrevivalarchitecture #castlearchitecture #germancastle #revivalarchitecture #militaryarchitecture #замкимира #castle🏰 #гогенцоллерн #сказочныйзамок #псевдоготика #неоготика #замкиевропы #историзм #романтизм #droneview #aerialview #dronepicture #germanromanticism #замкимира

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3. Dvorac Bojnice, Slovačka

4. Dvorac Highclere, Engleska

5. Dvorac Bran, Rumunjska



Bran Castle🏰🇹🇩⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ Commonly known outside Romania🇷🇴 as Dracula's Castle 👹 (although it is one among several locations linked to the Dracula legend, including Poenari Castle and Hunyadi Castle), it is often erroneously referred to as the home of the title character in Bram Stoker's Dracula. ⠀ There is no evidence that Stoker knew anything about this castle, which has only tangential associations with Vlad the Impaler, voivode of Wallachia, the putative inspiration for Dracula. ⠀ Dutch author Hans Corneel de Roos proposes as location for Castle Dracula an empty mountain top, Mount Izvorul Călimanului, 2,033 metres (6,670 ft) high, located in the Călimani Alps near the former border with Moldavia. Stoker's description of Dracula's crumbling fictional castle also bears no resemblance to Bran Castle. ⠀ The castle is now a museum dedicated to displaying art and furniture collected by Queen Marie. Tourists can see the interior on their own or by a guided tour. At the bottom of the hill is a small open-air museum exhibiting traditional Romanian peasant structures (cottages, barns, water-driven machinery, etc.) from the Bran region. 🔻 🔻 Do you want to see more beautiful pictures from Romania?🤩🇷🇴 🔻 Then you must FOLLOW US‼️ 🔻⠀⠀ ➡️ @visit_romania_com ⬅️ ➡️ @visit_romania_com ⬅️ 🔻 Photo by📸: ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #castle #romania #visitromania #dracula #travel #history #landscape #awesome #photography #beautifuleurope #gotravel #medieval #medievalcastle #wanderlust #visit_romania #globetrotter #landscapecaptures #architecture #splendid #exploreromania #traveltheworld #exploretheworld #exploreromania #tourisme #travelblogger #discovereurope #ig_europe #tourism #nomad #brancastle

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6. Dvorac Guaita, San Marino



The Rocca, also known as Guaita or Prima Torre, is the oldest and the largest of the three fortresses in the republic of San Marino. It was built in the 11th century, survived several restorations and reinforcements - namely in 1475, 1481, 1502, 1549, 1615, 1623 - but managed to keep its brutal original looks. Built as a guard post right on the natural rock – the word Guaita means to stand guard in local dialect – it served as a shelter for locals who resided on the Mount Titiano. The tower is well protected by two walls out of which the internal one is the oldest. The outer wall is fitted with battlements and corner towers. Premises inside the fortress were originally used to house the garrison but were later re-furbished into prison cells, which existed till 1970. Photo by @siniandrea 👍😍😍🙏🏻 . Рокка, Гуаита или Прима Торре (в переводе первая башня) – это самая старая и самая обширная из трех крепостей, расположенных в республике Сан Марино. Она была построена в 11м веке, но пережила несколько реставраций и перестроек – в 1475, 1481, 1502, 1549, 1615, 1623 годах. Тем не менее, ей удалось сохранить свой первозданный брутальный средневековый вид до наших дней. Она была построена прямо на вершине скалы в качестве сторожевой башни – на местном диалекте слово «гуаита» примерно это и означает. Много раз местные, жившие на горе Титиано, находили в ней убежище. Башня надежно защищена двумя линиями стен. Самая древняя стена внутренняя, внешняя с бойницами и угловыми башнями была построена позже. Изначально внутри квартировал гарнизон, но помещения были переделаны в тюрьму, которая действовала до 1970 года. . #guaita #roccadisanmarino #primatorre #primatorresanmarino #primatorreguaita #гуаита #санмарино #torreguaita #instacastles #instacastle #moyenage #medievaltimes #medievalcastle #medievaleurope #medievalarchitecture #medievalfortress #middleages #замкимира #замкиевропы #europeancastles #castlesofeurope #средневековье #средневековыйзамок #castlesofinstagram #средневековаякрепость #средневековаяархитектура #castellidisanmarino #castlearchitecture #castleonthehill #castellomedievale

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7. Dvorac Alnwick, Engleska




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8. Dvorac Doonmacfelim, Irska



Doolin sunset #doolin #cliffofmoher #wildatlanticway #countyclare #ireland🇮🇪

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9. Toranj Belem, Portugal



Belém Tower ❤ 🇵🇹 Lisbon Portugal Congrats @aziz_boussalem & @peter.rajkai Use #map_of_europe #Portugal

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10. Toranj Broadway, Engleska

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