Prvi 3750 pregleda 04. svibnja 2019.

Ovo je prava istina iza savršenih Instagram fotki


Svjesni smo da je Instagram savršenstvo fejk, ali nas i dalje zavara

Iako smo svjesni da je malo toga objavljenoga na Instagramu zaista toliko divno, krasno i savršeno kako je predstavljeno, i dalje nas ponekad zavara. Ili jednostavno uživamo gledajući takve 'savršene' prizore. No, realnost je, znamo, ipak nešto drugačija. Ovi ljudi pokazuju baš tu realniju stranu. Možda čak i malo preuveličanu realnost. Pogledajte.

Instagram vs. stvarnost


Instagram vs real life 🍩👅 #travel #amsterdam #ovajputglasam

Objavu dijeli Petra Dimic (@saamopetraa)


Working out expectation vs. reality😅 (who are you?)

Objavu dijeli Lele Pons (@lelepons)


•••🎄ℐℕЅᏆᎯᎶℛᎯℳ ᏉЅ. ℛℰᎯℒℐᏆᎽ🎄/Anzeige/ * * Heute habe ich mal ein ganz anderes Bild, eigentlich ist es nur durch Zufall entstanden, da ich kurz beim Stollen backen von meiner family einfach fotografiert wurde🙈😂. * * Natürlich entstehen manche Bilder hier aus Zufall, weil man einfach eine tolle Kulisse sieht und gerade auch halbwegs vernünftig angezogen ist... aber für andere Bilder, ziehe ich mich eben gerade „schön“ an und suche auch extra eine tolle Kulisse. * * Deswegen möchte ich eben auch mal den Vergleich zeigen, dass ich auch nicht im Rock backe und dabei auf nicht besonders auf eine „perfekte“ Frisur achte❣️👩🏼‍🍳👩🏼‍🍳 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________________________ #weihnachtsbäckerei #weihnachtsdekoration #backenmachtglücklich #weihnachtsgebäck #stollen #instagramvsreallife #instagramvsreality #beautybrina #carmushkapresets #franziskaelea #weihnachtsstimmung #potsdamer #adventszeit #reallifeandstyle #backenistliebe #carmushkaberlin

Objavu dijeli INSPO | FOOD | FITNESS (@nikes_lifestyle)


When he’s not watching vs. when he’s watching 😂😂 (tag a girl)

Objavu dijeli Lele Pons (@lelepons)


Venice picture Expectations vs. Reality 🐦 (which one are you?)

Objavu dijeli Lele Pons (@lelepons)


INSTAGRAM VS REALITY I swear this photo just gets funnier the longer I look at it 😂 and I know a lot of you are questioning whether I’m sneezing in that second photo and the answer is no, I’m actually just flicking my hair out of my face 💁‍♀️ Truth is you guys, I’m not a photogenic person AT ALL in my personal opinion, I’m probably one of the biggest idiots you’ll ever meet and if you can’t tell by this upload, I can never take myself seriously. But you know what, there’s nothing wrong with that! Instead of deleting all of your ‘bad’ angles and photos, embrace that that’s who YOU are and fkn own it! Life isn’t meant to be taken seriously all the time! Happy Sunday guys 🙌❤️

Objavu dijeli Toni Paras (@toniparas)


Hello Instagram #instavsreality 📷 @alexander_bruxmeier

Objavu dijeli David Friedrich (@_david.friedrich_)


O que a gordofobia faz com a mulher magra que acha gordofobia mimimi: - Ela abre o Instagram e vê a foto a esquerda. Chega em casa, inchada da TPM, calça cintura baixa apertada, janta, se olha no espelho, vê a cena da direta. - *'Estou gorda, preciso emagrecer'* -> "identifica" um "problema", projeta uma "solução" . - Começa a comer menos, passa o dia inteiro com fome, procura no Google dieta low carb, quando tem um tempinho faz 5 km "correndo". Sem nutricionista. Sem treinador. Não sente culpa pela pizza do final de semana, por que se culpar é coisa de anoréxica/bulêmica, mas que *'foi gordice, foi'* . - No final do mês, a fome venceu a "dieta" e a corrida foi adiada por que a corrida de ontem ainda "dói". As dobrinhas continuam, vitaminas diminuiram e os ligamentos foram pro espaço. Em novembro a gente começa outro projeto verao. - *'Amiga, você viu a menina nova que entrou no financeiro? Ela é super bonita de rosto, né?'* 'Pena que é gordinha né?' *'Aí, não fala assim, que preconceito'* Ela "não tem" preconceito 📸@nattfejfarfotografia

Objavu dijeli Helo Moretti (@helomoretti)


Being curvy in just the “right” places is seen as GOALS by many women.⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣⁣⁣⁣ I always had lower tummy fat and I looked at models on instagram with envy. I wore spanx and had waist trainer and worked out my butt like crazy 🤦‍♀️. I wanted that figure 8 body!!! The body I saw even on plus size models. It seemed like as I gained weight- I didn’t grow into a “sexy” curvy shape, instead I collected more fat in my lower tummy. It was ok if I gained weight as long as I looked like “___________” on Instagram. ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣⁣⁣⁣ Being curvy has become trendy. Yes, all bodies should be celebrated, I get that!!!⁣⁣⁣⁣👏👏👏👏 But there is a reason women workout their booties like never before and googling ways how to lose lower tummy fat. It is almost like it is ok to gain fat in your boobs and booty/hips but your stomach must remain flat. AM I RIGHT?! How many booty workouts are there on youtube in comparison to arms or back?! ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣⁣⁣⁣ I want you to stop fearing weight gain because you won’t look like the perfectly curvy model on THE GRAM. I have learned to ACCEPT that my body, is MY BODY. It won’t EVER look like that I see on social. Remember to embrace your genetics and how your body naturally wants to be!! You are still beautiful even if you aren’t meeting the societies criteria for “curvy”!! You are still beautiful AF if you have a pooch like I do!!!⁣⁣⁣⁣❤️❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣⁣⁣⁣ IN THE COMMENTS: Tell me, do you think that being curvy is a new trend?

Objavu dijeli Ula | Your Nutrition Cure (@ulabozek)


Living out my Lizzie McGuire dreams 🌟 #heynowheynow #instagramvsreality

Objavu dijeli Jenny Tatge 👑 (@misstatge)

Više pogledaj na stranici BrightSide.


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  • Važna obavijest
    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • mala_loodacha

    hahahahah ali fakat...