Prvi 3602 pregleda 02. listopada 2019.

Harry tuži poznati britanski tabloid jer maltretiraju Meghan

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Princ je na službenoj stranici Sussexa objavio pismo u kojem je objasnio zašto poduzima pravne mjere protiv britanskog medija. Harry se boji da Meghan ne doživi sudbinu njegove majke...

Mediji je stalno kritiziraju


Happy Heritage Day South Africa! 🇿🇦 • Today we are celebrating the great diversity of cultures, beliefs and traditions that make up the rainbow nation. Bo Kaap streets filled with colour and music while Their Royal Highnesses were welcomed to one of the most vibrant neighbourhoods in Cape Town. The area has seen inter-community tension rise over the last few years, yet days like today show how faith, traditions, food and music bring people together, and celebrate the things that unite each and every one of us. The Duke and Duchess are so happy to have been invited to the festivities in Bo Kaap today, and were overwhelmed by the amazing welcome. #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica • Photo ©️ photos PA images / SussexRoyal

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Vojvotkinja Meghan Markle vodi bitku s britanskim medijima koji je konstantno prozivaju i kritiziraju. Otkako je 'ušla' u kraljevsku obitelj puni naslovnice magazina koji čine sve kako bi joj stvorili lošu reputaciju, što nije slučaj s drugom vojvotkinjom, Kate Middleton.

Zbog toga je princ Harry odlučio pokrenuti tužbu protiv britanskog 'Associated Newspapersa', izdavača Daily Maila i Mail on Sundaya, javlja Cosmopolitan.

Objavio je službeno priopćenje

Sussex web

Princ je na službenoj web stranici vojvode i vojvotkinje od Sussexa objavio pismo u kojem je objasnio zašto ih tuži. Rekao je kako je njegov čin potaknut zlouporabom privatnih podataka, kršenja autorskih prava i kršenja zakona o zaštiti podataka iz 2018. godine. 

Emotivno pismo je započeo objašnjenjem toga što su mediji dosad učinili Meghan.

"Nažalost, moja supruga je jedna od posljednjih žrtava britanskih tabloida koji vode kampanje protiv pojedinaca bez da razmisle o posljedicama. Kampanja je bila na vrhuncu tijekom Meghanine trudnoće i sad tijekom odgoja našeg djeteta", napisao je Harry.

Tužbu su pripremali mjesecima


This evening, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended #TheLionKing European premiere in London at the Odeon Theatre. In celebration of the film’s release, The Walt Disney Company announced #ProtectThePride, a global conservation campaign to support efforts protecting the rapidly diminishing lion population across Africa. As a part of their commitment to this cause, Disney also made a donation to The Duke of Sussex’s upcoming environment & community initiative which will be formally announced this autumn. The Duke and Duchess are committed to advancing conservation efforts across Africa and around the world, and working with communities to ensure a sustainable future for the planet. This evening Their Royal Highnesses had the pleasure of meeting the cast and creative team behind the film, as well as supporters of @africanparksnetwork, of which The Duke is President. Photo credit: PA images / Getty images - Chris Jackson

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"Tužba se pripremala nekoliko mjeseci. Pozitivno izvještavanje proteklih nekoliko tjedana samo je dokaz kako imaju dvostruke standarde. Pisali su laž za laži, samo zato što se tijekom porodiljnog nije pojavljivala u javnosti", nastavio je Harry, misleći kako su izmišljali jer nisu imali drugog materijala za pisanje o princezi, a nešto su morali pisati.

Ne želi da Meghan doživi sudbinu njegove majke


Today, we are excited to be able to announce details for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s upcoming tour to Africa! 🇿🇦🇧🇼🇦🇴🇲🇼 • In just two weeks, Their Royal Highnesses will embark on this official tour focusing on community, grassroots leadership, women’s and girls’ rights, mental health, HIV/AIDS and the environment. This programme has been many months in the making, and The Duke and Duchess are eager to focus their energies on the great work being done in Southern Africa. From meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu to joining ‘Waves for Change’ on Monwabisi Beach, the South Africa programme will be educational and inspiring. The Duke is especially proud to continue the legacy left by his mother with her work in Angola as he joins Halo Trust again in an effort to rid the world of landmines. HRH will also travel to Malawi where he will check in on the British Army’s partnership with African Parks and will be working on the ground supporting local communities. The Duke is particularly proud to be able to deliver an exciting new initiative, a Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy three-country partnership which he designed and consulted with Governments in Namibia, Botswana and Angola to protect forest and wildlife corridors around the Okavango Delta. The Duchess will be working with local organisations to promote women and girls’ health and education, entrepreneurship and leadership. With such a textured culture and history, Their Royal Highnesses are grateful for the opportunity to connect with those on the ground in Southern Africa and to be inspired by the work being done and learn how they can be better supported. As President and Vice President of The Queens Commonwealth Trust and The Duke’s role as Commonwealth Youth Ambassador, The Duke and Duchess cannot wait to meet with young leaders mobilising change and adding to the beauty of these Commonwealth countries 🇿🇦🇧🇼🇦🇴🇲🇼 • “We look forward to seeing you soon!” • Photo ©️ PA images / Tim Graham - Getty Images / @Sentebale /@AfricanParksNetwork / @YouthAlert

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"Iako mislim da tužba nije siguran korak, znam da je onaj ispravan. Ne želim da se povijest ponovi. Već sam vidio kako su osobu koju sam volio doveli do toga da je se tretira kao predmet. Izgubio sam majku i sad gledam kako moja supruga postaje žrtva istih moćnika", završio je Harry, spominjući svoju majku koja je poginula u automobilskoj nesreći bježeći od paparazza. 

Ne želi da Meghan doživi njezinu sudbinu i svim će se silama boriti da spriječi maltretiranje i laži koji traju već predugo. I ova tužba je zaista ogroman korak ka tome.


Krenule su prijave za prvi hrvatski hip hop talent show - Rap Camp. Prijavi se i postani rap zvijezda, od rime napravi ime i osvoji ugovor u vrijednosti od 100.000 kuna. Požuri, jer prijave traju do 14. listopada.

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