Prvi 5551 pregleda 30. lipnja 2020.

Od ovih 10 modela cipela neće vas boljeti noge!

Facundo Arrizabalaga/REUTERS/PIXSELL, Canva

Dok u nekim cipelama možemo izdržati svega nekoliko sati (prije nego ih zamijenimo udobnim tenisicama ili balerinkama), postoji obuća koja je namijenjena cjelodnevnom nošenju bez da nam ostavi bolne žuljeve na stopalima.

Upravo takva obuća se održala na tržištu već godinama, a svatko od nas u ormariću s cipelama ima barem jedan par.

Portal MarieClaire je složio popis obuće za koju vrijedi izdvojiti malo više novaca jer je riječ o iznimno udobnoj obući s kojom nećemo pogriješiti, a naša stopala će nam biti zahvalna.

Možda neke od cipela s ovog popisa nisu estetski najprivlačnije, ali udobnost i praktičnost je ono što ih svakako čini posebnima.

1. Čizme

2. Koleđice

3. Svakodnevne tenisice

4. Sportske tenisice


Clove (@goclove) is a brand that was built to serve those who serve the needs of patients on the daily. It’s the brainchild of brand founders Joe Ammon (@joe_ammon), whose wife Tamara is a practicing nurse. They saw both the limits of current offerings and more importantly, the comparative invisibility of healthcare professionals outside their workplace. We spoke with Joe and Chief Brand Officer Jordyn Amoroso (@jordyn.amoroso) about the brand’s journey thus far and where they hope the conversation around brands for healthcare workers goes from here. The story of Clove goes beyond just that of a footwear company servicing a market, it’s just as much about changing the narrative around some of healthcare’s unsung heroes and the opportunities that lie in helping a community that’s gone under-recognized for too long. #cloveshoes #healthcare #footwear #maekan #storiesforthecurious

Objavu dijeli MAEKAN (@maekan)

5. Kroksice


So many colors, so much to love! Always stay PROUD and Come As You Are.

Objavu dijeli Crocs Shoes (@crocs)

6. Uggsice


It's shearling that time of year for the Classic Mini. #UGGSeason

Objavu dijeli UGG® (@ugg)

7. Klompe

8. Gležnjače

9. Platnene tenisice s podebljanim đonom

10. Ljetne papuče


Your perfect summer slide has arrived ☀️Visit to shop our Ella Slide today. #SORELstyle

Objavu dijeli SOREL (@sorelfootwear)

Koje od cipela s popisa već imate u svojoj garderobi?


Ljetni broj JoomBoos Videostar magazina je na kioscima u Hrvatskoj i BiH.

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