Prvi 600 pregleda 12. veljače 2020.

Smršavjela 45 kilograma: Adeleina WOW transformacija


Pjevačica iz dana u dan izgleda sve bolje, a tome je pridonijelo naporno vježbanje s privatnim trenerom i posebna prehrana koje se već godinama drži. No, najvažnije od svega jest da je ona nikad sretnija i zdravija.

Britanska pjevačica Adele javnost je zapanjila nevjerojatnim gubitkom kilograma i svi posljednjih mjeseci pišu o tome. Prema navodima magazina People, pjevačica je dosad izgubila oko 45 kilograma.

Počela je mršavjeti nakon razvoda od bivšeg supruga, Simona Koneckog, s kojim je u braku dobila sina Angela. Pridržava se zdravije i uravnotežene prehrane, naporno vježba s privatnim trenerom, usvojila je mnogo zdravije navike od onih koje je imala prije, a mi smo vam napravili usporedbu Adele s početka karijere i danas - u par fotografija. Pogledajte:

Kakva transformacija!


I don’t know if you have been following Adele or care about her Life at all... what I want you to know is transformation is possible. Did she do our program?! Not that I know of... but she found something that has worked for her and you can see the glow on her face - even in black and white. What I hope you get from this is inspiration... I used to think to myself - of course celebrities can get healthy. They can afford personal trainers, private chefs, and whatever they need to achieve it. The truth is they typically have crazy, insane schedules... can afford to eat whatever foods they want (which would be a challenge to say the least for me)... and let’s not forget - THEY ARE STILL HUMAN. The absolute coolest thing is someone said she was losing the weight to be a healthy role model for her son. I FREAKING LOVE THAT!! She is a celebrity but isn’t just doing this for her. She is doing it for her son’s health too. So - be inspired... if a multimillionaire, world traveling, mother, singer, mega superstar can find the time to invest in herself - SO CAN YOU. Also, don’t just do it for you... dive into what it means to others for you to be healthy. Push outside yourself into who else’s life would be affected in a positive way for you to get healthy... you have an impact on others. And lastly, do something for the joy of the journey.... it’s not just about who you are gonna be, it’s so much more importantly about who you are becoming along the way. I am celebrating her today. Love her, hate her, or indifferent - she has done amazing and deserves to be celebrated. Way to win at life @adele it’s about so much more than weight loss. It’s about accomplishments. This is a huge one. #adele #adeleweightloss #adeletransformation #gethealthy #healthmatters

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Transformaciju je prvi put pokazala na partyju američkog repera Drakea, na koji je došla u pripijenoj crnoj haljini. Na Halloween partyju košarkaša LeBrona Jamesa pojavila se u kostimu kapetana Kuke, i ponovno su svi pričali o njezinoj vitkoj liniji.


Not that this amazing woman will even care about what a lowly person like me thinks (in fact I'm pretty sure she'd tell me to do one 😂) but as someone who is always inspired by her and her defiance, this has made me happy and sad at the same time. Now don't get me wrong, whilst I think @adele looks phenomenal, I'm hoping that she genuinely did it for herself and didn't crumble to everybody's expectations. Y'know, the whole "normal sized girl shaming" thing. She was stunning before and she is stunning now. She was always that person that everyone respected for saying 'no' to conforming to certain "standards" and she's an icon. So I think for the tabloids to say 'look at Adele she's lost three stone' and suddenly giving the impression that she's now validated because she's now size x, just really rubs me up the wrong way. She looks gorgeous, but this world is really backwards for, once again, pinpointing size (a realistically minor issue) over the fact that she's making an appearance after so long of being away from the spotlight. At least she says she's not crying anymore and is seemingly in a happier place✌🏻❤️ #effyourbeautystandards #happinessoversize #bodypositive #adeleweightloss #bopo #sizedoesntmatter

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Evo što znamo o tome kako je izgubila kilograme:

1. Posvećena je vježbanju

Adele navodno ima osobnog trenera s kojim vježba, a vježbe su raznovrsne. Od teretane, dizanja utega, trčanja do pilatesa.

2. Zdrava hrana

Magazin People navodi da je Adele smršavjela jer je prestala piti sokove, alkohol i zaslađene čajeve. Sada jede organsku hranu. Izvor blizak pjevačici otkrio je da ima više samopouzdanja, drugačije se oblači i presretna je, piše Prevention.

2. Želi biti sretna i zdrava

Iako se nagađalo da je smršavjela zbog prekida sa Simonom, čini se da to nije točno. Ona samo želi biti najbolja mama i biti uzor svom sinu. I želi biti sretna.

Uskoro objavljuje i nove pjesme...

Uskoro planira objaviti nove pjesme pa je to još jedan od razloga zašto je jako sretna i uzbuđena. Uzbuđena je zbog budućnosti. Tako je na Instagramu napisala: 

"Po prvi put osjećam kao da se svijet okreće oko mene. Budite ljubazni prema sebi, mi smo samo ljudi. Spustite mobitele i nasmijte se češće. Naučiti voljeti sebe je ono što je važno, samo je to dovoljno."


¡#Adele sigue impactando con su cambio de look! 😱 No es la primera vez que la cantante sorprende con su esbelta figura, esta vez fue vista, a principios del año, disfrutando en la playa con sus amigos. La intérprete de “hello”, hace unos meses, reveló que su cambio de imagen se debe a que dejó de comer azúcar e incluyó hábitos saludables a su estilo de vida como el ejercicio. ¡Una vida libre de azúcar es el camino! Fuente: Univisión. Libelle Revista . . #MetodoAbrahamson #AbrahamsonPanama #AbrahamsonColombia #AbrahamsonMexico #AbrahamsonUSA #AbrahamsonCenter #sugarfree #sugar #nomoresugar #azucar #healthy #healthylife #webinar #seminario #online #sindietas #nomasdietas #diet #dietalowcarb #Adele #weightloss #nosugar #adeleweightloss

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Prilično inspirativno! 


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