Prvi 200 pregleda 30. srpnja 2020.

Ovo trebate znati o biografiji o kojoj se danima govori!

Danny Lawson/PA Images/PIXSELL

Svijet već danima bruji o biografiji Harryja i Meghan. Sve zanima koje tajne su autori uspjeli saznati o paru koji je 'otkantao' kraljevsku obitelj i preselio u SAD. Neke pojedinosti već su izašle, a kraljevski dvor je već na iglama.

Uskoro izlazi biografija o Princu Harryju i Meghan Markle, 'Finding Freedom' koja je potresla kraljevsku obitelj, a govorkanja o sadržaju knjige ne prestaju od kad je najavljen njezin izlazak. Autori Omid Scobie i Carolyn Durand zbog potreba pisanja knjige, razgovarali su s izvorima bliskim paru, a u knjizi bi trebali bit prikazani nesuglasice i život para na kraljevskom dvoru, piše Cosmopolitan.

Ove informacije iz knjige već su otkrivene:

1. Meghan i Harry su se zaručili prije nego je to objavljeno

Prema navodima iz knjige par se zaručio još u kolovozu 2017. godine, puno prije službenih zaruka. Dok je to jedna od informacija, drugi tvrde da je Harry zaprosio Meghan tijekom večere dok su jeli pečeno pile.

2. Kate je ostavila Meghan samu tijekom shoppinga

Autori knjige su naveli da se Kate baš i nije trudila povezati s Meghan. Jednom su zajedno otišle u shopping, ali je Kate ostavila Meghan i otišla u drugom pravcu sama u kupovinu.

3. Harry je prvi rekao 'Volim te'


Having attended the 10th Annual One Young World opening ceremony on Tuesday, The Duchess of Sussex was joined today by The Duke of Sussex for a round table discussion on gender equity with OYW and Queen’s Commonwealth Trust young leaders. Over the last few days, these young leaders became @OneYoungWorld ambassadors with the intention to return to their communities and further existing initiatives to help change the world for the better. This year OYW partnered with the @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust, of which The Duke and Duchess are President and Vice-President respectively, to provide scholarships to young leaders driving positive social impact in the Commonwealth. This was the most exciting collaboration between two groups The Duchess is passionate about and has been working with for some time. For more information and highlights from the week and how you can support these incredible leaders and their initiatives, visit @OneYoungWorld Photo © SussexRoyal / PA

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Par je bio u vezi svega nekoliko mjeseci kad je Harry izjavio ljubav, Meghan mu je automatski odgovorila isto.

4. William nije bio oduševljen bratovim izborom

Navodno je William savjetovao brata da malo bolje upozna Meghan, te da ne bude zaslijepljen požudom.

5. Harry je prekinuo kontakte s nekim prijateljima

Zbog tračeva koji su širili o Meghan, Harry je prekinuo svaki kontakt sa nekoliko prijatelja.

6. Par nije vjerovao posluzi


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined hundreds of veterans and their families at the 91st Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, to honour and remember those who lost their lives in service of their country. Their Royal Highnesses each planted a Cross of Remembrance, paying respect to those who have served in our Armed Forces. They were then honoured to spend time meeting with veterans and family members from all areas of the Armed forces - from those who have served in past campaigns to more recent conflicts. This is the seventh time The Duke has attended the Field of Remembrance – having previously accompanied The Duke of Edinburgh for several years. The Duchess of Sussex was grateful to be able to join her husband on this important day and to personally recognise those who have served. #remembrance #lestweforget

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Navodno su sluge u dvorcu mrzile Meghan i širili su o njoj tračeve.

7. Kate i William nikad nisu posjetili par u njihovoj kući

Cambridgeovi nisu posjetili Meghan i Harryja kad su se preselili u novi dom. Iako ih je posjetila grupica prijatelja, William i Kate nisu bilo među njima.

8. Kate je izbjegavala kontakt očima s Meghan


This afternoon, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the annual Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey on Commonwealth Day, alongside Her Majesty The Queen and Members of The Royal Family. The Commonwealth is a global network of 54 countries, working in collaboration towards shared economic, environmental, social and democratic goals, and the Service today seeks to highlight the vast community which spans every geographical region, religion and culture, embracing diversity amongst its population of 2.4 billion people, of which 60 percent are under 30 years old. As President and Vice-President of the @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been passionate advocates of the Commonwealth having spent many years working closely with the next generation of Commonwealth leaders. The theme of the Commonwealth for 2020 is ‘Delivering A Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming', placing emphasis on youth, the environment, trade, governance, and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) and innovation. From working to protect the earth's natural resources and preserving the planet for generations to come, to championing fair trade and empowering the youth of today to transform the communities of tomorrow, the Service celebrates the Commonwealth's continued commitment to delivering a peaceful, prosperous and more sustainable future for all. Photo © PA

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Na posljednjem događanju. Kate je izbjegavala svaki kontakt sa šogoricom, pa tako i onaj očima.

9. Meghan nije smjela nositi ogrlicu s Harryjevim inicijalima

Palača je zabranila Meghan da nosi ogrlicu s Harryjevim inicijalima.


In Tembisa, Johannesburg, today The Duke and Duchess visited to meet young entrepreneurs at the YES hub - a hive for creativity and social enterprise. Their visit was an amazing tour of the ingenuity and opportunity – seeing businesses that varied from food to essential sanitary products for local women. During their visit, they were able to sample food from ‘Chef Mish’ - a local masterchef winner - which he makes at the site as part of his catering business and cafe. They then joined YES community members to take part in training and tests that will help them gain skills and find work. On the third stop today, entrepreneur Moss showed The Duke and Duchess the organic produce he's growing in the township with aquaponics - supplying local restaurants. And finally, The Duke and Duchess met the women behind the amazing Blossom Care Solutions - who are making 80,000 sanitary pads every month for women in their community. They are 100% compostable, and provide an essential low-cost product for women and girls. The Duchess has long campaigned on this issue and wrote in Time magazine in 2017, saying: “In communities all over the globe, young girls’ potential is being squandered because we are too shy to talk about the most natural thing in the world. To that I say: we need to push the conversation, mobilize policy making surrounding menstrual health initiatives, support organizations who foster girls’ education from the ground up, and within our own homes, we need to rise above our puritanical bashfulness when it comes to talking about menstruation.” • See our previous post to see The Dukes speech #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ PA images

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