Prvi 500 pregleda 30. prosinca 2018.

Što se najvažnije dogodilo ove godine?


The Happy Broadcast na Instagramu dijeli neke od najljepših vijesti iz svijeta, a ovo su najvažnije koje su se dogodile ove godine.

1. Adidas je prodao više od milijun pari cipela napravljenih od plastike iz oceana.


A few years ago, Adidas announced they would start making their shoes out of ocean plastic garbage. They teamed up with Parley in 2016 to create a capsule collection made entirely of yarns and filaments recycled from ocean waste. In 2017 Adidas added three more versions of shoes made from ocean plastics and so far sold 1 million pairs, which translates to 11 millions plastic bottles from the ocean recycled into highly profitable product! Thanks to @chrismakesthis for the news suggestion. Source: Adidas #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #fashionblogger #goodnews #adidas #parley #shoes #fashion #sustainable

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

2. Francuska je prva zemlja koja je zabranila supermarketima da bacaju hranu. Sva hrana mora biti donirana ili plaćaju kaznu.


Food waste is a huge, and expensive, global issue. France is way ahead of other countries thanks to a recent law that forces supermarkets to make use of unused food, rather than tossing it away. Supermarkets of a certain size must donate unused food to food banks or face a fine. Other policies require schools to teach students about food sustainability, companies to report food waste statistics in environmental reports, and restaurants to make take-out bags available. 🍎🥛🥗 Source: NPR ⠀ #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #food #vegan #market #vegetarian #goodmorning #goodnews #france

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

3. Populacija pčela raste.


Bees are amongst the most important creatures to humans on Earth. These amazing insects pollinate over 80% of all flowering plants including 70 of the top 100 human food crops⠀ The number of U.S. honeybee colonies rose by 3% after years of decline, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture.⠀ Also, the world's bee population has been rising almost continuously (an increase of 13.2 percent) for the past 50 years, according to FAO stats. 🐝❤️ Source: US Department of Agriculture⠀ ⠀ #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #bee #bees #pollination #world #usa

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

4. Norveška će bit 14. europska zemlja koja će zabraniti proizvodnju krzna.

5. Velike pande više nisu ugrožena vrsta.


Efforts to save the giant panda, commonly a symbol for conservation, are paying off: the iconic China’s wild panda is no longer endangered. In the past 10 years Panda's population grew nearly 17 percent—to 1,864 pandas. But wait, there's more! China’s Sichuan province government has secured $1.58 billion in funding over the next five years for a planned Giant Panda National Park, three times the size of the U.S. Yellowstone National Park. Source: AP News #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #goodnews #panda #china #wwf #giantpanda #endangered

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

6. Doktori u Rwandi sada mogu naručiti krv i medicinske materijale porukom, a donosi im ih dron.


Blood is one of the most vital elements of modern medicine. Without it, major surgery is impossible and the risk of death in childbirth or accidents is exponentially higher. But in large parts of Africa hospitals don’t have the budget, or even the electricity, to maintain their own refrigerated blood banks. U.S. startup Zipline has teamed up with the Rwandan government to deliver blood supplies by drone. This drone delivery service has already provided over 5,500 units of blood to aid crews working in remote areas where typical medical supply lines simply don’t reach. Source: The Guardian #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #goodnews #africa #rwanda #blood #donation #zipline

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

7. Kompanija piva napravila je pakiranja koja hrane kornjače, a ne ubijaju ih.


We know that the plastic rings that hold six packs of cans together can often cause serious harm to marine animals, ending up around their necks and heads. A craft beer company has brewed up a brilliant idea: Saltwater Brewery in Delray Beach, Florida, has created edible six-pack rings that feed, rather than kill, marine life if the rings end up in the ocean and an animal happens to eat it. The rings are created from beer by-products during the brewing process such as barley and wheat and are completely safe for humans and fish to eat. For now they’re only used by Saltwater Brewery rather than any major brands, but the craft beer spot hopes that other companies will jump on their creation and start using it for their products, too. Source: #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #goodnews #sea #turtle #beer #sixpack #brewery

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

8. Južna Koreja donijela je zakon da je ubijanje pasa za meso nedozvoljivo.


Dog meat has long been a part of South Korean cuisine, with about one million dogs believed to be eaten annually.⠀ ⠀ But consumption has declined as South Koreans increasingly embrace the idea of dogs as man’s best friend rather than livestock, with the practice now something of a taboo among younger generations and pressure from activists mounting.⠀ ⠀ The ruling is a huge win for animal rights activists. It establishes that the killing of dogs for meat is illegal, which is a big step forward in the fight to outlaw the consumption of dog meat. Source: News24 ⠀ #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #goodnews #dogsofinstagram #dog #dogstagram #southkorea #lovedogs

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

9. Saudijska Arabija dopustila je ženama da voze.


For the first time in its history, thousands of women could soon take to the roads through the ultra-conservative kingdom's streets.⠀ ⠀ It was the only country left in the world where women could not drive and families had to hire private chauffeurs for female relatives.⠀ ⠀ The landmark step is the culmination of years of human rights groups campaigning in the kingdom.⠀ ⠀ This is not the only good news for the country, over the past year, Saudi Arabia has opened its first cinema in decades and loosened several morality laws that discriminate against women, including its notorious rules requiring that women receive a male guardian's permission to travel, receive an education and sometimes work and receive health care. Source: CNN ⠀ #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #picoftheday #motivation #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #goodnews #saudiarabia #women #driving #car #womenempowerment

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

10. Otvorena je prva bolnica za slonove.


More than half of Asia's elephants are found in India, but the country's elephant population has dipped in the past few years - by nearly 10 percent across 23 states between 2012 and 2017. Last month, the South Asian country opened a hospital dedicated to the conservation of elephants. The facility is jointly run by the conservation group Wildlife SOS and Uttar Pradesh's forest department and is already treating nearly two dozen injured, sick and geriatric pachyderms, which were rescued and had been kept at a conservation and care center. So far, the elephant hospital is attracting both local and foreign tourists, eager to see all of the elephants that have entered into the facility. Source: Taiwan News / Reuters #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #motivation #art #friends #repost #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #goodnews #india #elephant

Objavu dijeli The_Happy_Broadcast (@the_happy_broadcast)

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  • mala_loodacha

    ovo su tak super informacije :D