Prvi 4250 pregleda 01. ožujka 2019.

Ljudi su zabrinuti: Uvjereni da je kraljica bolesna?


Kraljica Elizabeta se susrela s kraljem Abdullahom i kraljicom Raniom iz Jordana, ali je njezina fotka s Twittera zabrinula mnoge...

Službena fotografija kraljice na kojoj ima vidno ljubičastu ruku izazvala je zabrinutost za njezino zdravlje. Njezino Veličanstvo ugostilo je kralja i kraljicu Jordana, kralja Abdullaha II i kraljicu Raniu.

Tijekom posjeta Buckinghamskoj palači 92-godišnjakinja je u bijeloj kombinaciji stajala u sredini, ali pozornost je najviše privukla njezina ljubičasta ruka. Čini se da joj je lijeva ruka, prekrižena na desnoj strani, ljubičaste boje, kao da je ozlijeđena, a neki su uvjereni da se radi i o ozbiljnijoj bolesti.

Ljudi izrazili zabrinutost


This morning The Queen, with The Princess Royal, hosted Their Majesties The King and Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, King Abdullah II and @QueenRania, and their son Crown Prince Hussein at Buckingham Palace. . After posing briefly for photographs, the Royals then held a private meeting before The Queen and The Princess Royal welcomed their guests to lunch at Buckingham Palace. King Abdullah has just marked the twentieth anniversary of his rule – he took his country’s throne on February 7th 1999 on the death of his father, King Hussein. . While in London, King Abdullah and Queen Rania have also attended the conference ”Jordan: Growth and Opportunity” where Her Majesty gavee a speech focused on renewal, change and economic development. . The Queen also held an audience with the President of Slovenia today 🇸🇮🇬🇧 (5th picture). Her private meeting with Borut Pahor came on the second day of his official visit to the United Kingdom. However, during the first moments of their meeting, President Pahor told the Queen he had been near to Buckingham Palace on the first day of his visit as he had jogged around the famous landmark. The President of Slovenia also visited the Houses of Parliament today as well as Westminster Abbey where he laid a wreath at the Innocent Victims’ Memorial. . . . The Queen’s next scheduled engagement is on Tuesday, March 5th 2019 when she will host a reception at Buckingham Palace to mark the 50th anniversary of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales 👑. . . . . . Follow > @hm.queenelizabeth < for daily updates on the work and the activities of The Queen and The Royal Family. . . . . . #royalfamily #royal #royalty #windsorcastle #princessdiana #buckinghampalace #meghanmarkle #kensingtonpalace #katemiddleton #royalwedding #britishroyalfamily #royals #britain #hermajesty #westminster #princecharles #britishroyals #crown #britishmonarchy #godsavethequeen #windsor #unitedkingdom #princesscharlotte #princeharry #princewilliam #duchessofcambridge #thequeen #monarchy #princegeorge #queenelizabeth

A post shared by Her Majesty The Queen (@hm.queenelizabeth) on

Ljudi su se na društvenim mrežama javili i kažu, zabrinuti su za Kraljicu. Evo što su pisali: 

Mi se ipak nadamo da nije ništa ozbiljno i da će kraljica biti okej! 

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  • Važna obavijest
    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • mala_loodacha

    omg whattt????